• Cult US television series "Twin Peaks" set to make nine-episode comeback in 2016

    Dear readers of my blog,

    I just read that my very favourite television series "Twin Peaks" is set to make a comeback in 2016, including many of the legendary original cast members as well as the driving creative forces behind the original project who were Mark Frost and David Lynch. The second and until now final season of the series left many intriguing questions unanswered. It's hard to put into words how excited I am about this project. Anybody who hasn't seen the original series as well as the feature film that were produced and broadcasted between 1989 and 1992 or who hasn't watched the episodes for quite some time should absolutely do so and (re)visit this historical series. In my humble opinion, this is by far the best television show of all times.

    You can find more details here:


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