• Project X (2012) - Don't do this at home! - 8/10 (06/04/12)

    Project X (2012)


    This is a movie filled with hilarious laughs, over the top characters and many crazy ideas that you should enjoy with your friends in the movie theatres or watch at home in an appropriated atmosphere. Once you saw this you might now what I mean. This movie makes you want to break feel, have some fun and get out to have the party of your life but of course you should not do any of what the movie shows us at your home.

    In the end, the main character prefers to celebrate his next birthday with the girl he likes and loves instead of having a big party just to get famous at school and this is where the movie shows us the real sense of life and morality. I must admit that some characters are even pretty well developed for this kind of movie and represent quite well three naive teenage guys that play the main role. You have the sneaky and egoistic guy who only wants to have a hell load of fun, the more responsible and naive birthday child and the shy and awkward young man who risks everything to be cool and live the best night of his life.

    The rest is great and of course superficial entertainment. You simply have to switch your brains off and enjoy it. Of course this epic movie is not a joy ride for everyone. It's about drugs, it's about alcohol, it's about sex but you should see all of this coming. This movie contains probably more swear words and bad gestures than a gangster rap album and more naked women than a regular porn flick and might not please to younger and older audiences. I'm not used to watch this kind of movie at all as I watch rather exotic and intellectual stuff but it's a light and welcome change of my usual habits and I enjoyed it and would definitely watch it again.


    « Culturama 18 - Les meilleures chansons de l'année 2011The Hunger Games (2012) - A step in the right direction for Hollywood fantasy movies for younger audiences - 7/10 (07/04/12) »
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