by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Ladies and gentlemen!
On the fourth day of my epic summer vacation, I rented a Hyundai Elantra in Winnipeg and drove northwards to Ashern. The weather was outstanding and there were numerous beautiful things to see. Lower Fort Garry was so stunning to visit that it took about two hours. I really liked swimming in the gigantic Lake Winnipeg. You don't need to travel to Florida to find great beaches as there are just as many with less tourists in Manitoba. Gimli is the town with the biggest Icelandic community outside of Iceland and worth a detour. The Narcisse Snake Dens look great but snakes can rather be found in spring and fall than in the summer time.
Exhibition at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site
Reconstruction of a historic village
Lower Fort Garry's general store
Lower Fort Garry's bakery
Lower Fort Garry's warehouse
First Nations culture at Lower Fort Garry
The Boardwalk in Winnipeg Beach
Winnipeg Beach and Lake Winnipeg
Beach Safety Station in Winnipeg Beach
Gimli Seawall Gallery
Lake Winnipeg Research ship at Gimli port
Monument on First Avenue in downtown Gimli
Gimli Viking statue
Narcisse Snake Dens - a wonderful place to visit but no snakes to be seen on that specific day!
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