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by Sebastian Kluth

A Spotify Playlist: Kluth - Best Albums of 2024

A Spotify Playlist: Kluth - Best Albums of 2024

Happy Holidays, dear readers,

Here is my last Spotify playlist of the year 2024. I would like to introduce you to my twenty favourite records released between January 2024 and December 2024. I have selected one song from each release that represents the output best in my humble opinion. Do yourself a favour and check out the full records promoted here. Without further ado, here is the playlist for you: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0MeqZI4k4bNzsmek8JwFL9

1. Гран-Куражъ - Последняя глава (taken from the album Легенды мира из огня)

2. 打首獄門同好会 - なぜ今日天気が悪い (taken from the album ぼちぼちベテラン)

3. The Vision Bleak - Chapter XII: To Drink from Lethe (taken from the album Weird Tales)

4. Opeth - A Story Never Told (taken from the album The Last Will and Testament)

5. The Old Dead Tree - Luke (taken from the album Second Thoughts)

6. Múr - Holskefla (taken from the album Múr)

7. Opera Magna - Historia (taken from the album Heroica)

8. Nemophila - Enigma (taken from the album Evolve)

9. Judas Priest - Giants in the Sky (taken from the album Invincible Shield)

10. Bruce Dickinson - Eternity Has Failed (taken from the album The Mandrake Project)

11. 新しい学校のリーダーズ - Fly High (taken from the album AG! Calling)

12. Eisregen - Totkörperkunst (taken from the album Abart)

13. Amerikan Kaos - Our Love Song (taken from the album Armageddon Boogie)

14. Leviathan - Lost Fool (taken from the album Stories of Imperceptible Light)

15. Subway to Sally - Wunder (taken from the album Post Mortem)

16. Rage - Lifelines (taken from the album Afterlifelines) 

17. Officium Triste - Anna's Woe (taken from the album Hortus Venenum)

18. Sgàile - Lamentations by the Lochan (taken from the album Traverse the Bealach)

19. Iotunn - Mistland (taken from the album Kinship)

20. The Foreshadowing - Bound for Ruin (taken from the album New Wave Order)

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