by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Ayreon doesn't play a lot of concerts but when this outstanding progressive rock project does so, fans can expect an epic conceptual masterwork similar to musicals or even operas of the highest quality. Anyone who ever has the chance to attend one of the project's concerts should do so without any doubt. Electric Castle Live and Other Tales focuses on the magnificent double album that has truly established mastermind Arjen Anthony Lucassen as one of the greatest contemporary progressive rock songwriters and offers eight additional rare tracks such as instrumental masterpiece "Robby Valentine", a playful cover of Marillion's "Kayleigh" and closing Star One anthem "Songs of the Ocean". The twenty-five songs included here offer two hours and twenty-seven minutes of flawless timeless progressive rock. The editions with a DVD or Blu-ray are highly recommended since viewers can witness the numerous guest musicians and singers in action, see the wonderful stage accessories and get glimpses of an enthused crowd that elevates an excellent performance to a perfect experience.
Every single element that makes Ayreon's Electric Castle Live and Other Tales stand out deserves its own short paragraph. First and foremost, the colourful settings elevate the progressive rock music to cinematic dimensions with wonderful backdrops and lighting techniques.
The list of invited guest singers should appeal to any progressive rock genre fan. Outstanding vocalists like underrated symphonic metal singer with a charismatic pop touch Marcela Bovio, mild-voiced muse Anneke van Giersbergen, classically trained front woman Dianne van Giersbergen, darkly expressive veteran George Oosthoek and internationally acclaimed symphonic metal powerhouse Simone Simons deserve particular praise.
The involved musicians are equally impressive. Experienced symphonic metal guitarist Ferry Duijsens, progressive metal violinist Ben Mathot, symphonic metal pianist Robby Valentine, regular collaborator and seasoned veteran in his thirties Joost van den Broek on the keyboards and experienced flutist Thijs van Leer deserve much acclaim.
The songwriting varies from conceptually intriguing epics such as opening opus magnum "Isis and Osiris" over short, playful and dynamic deep cuts such as "The Decision Tree" and stripped-back folkloristic tunes in the key of "Tunnel of Light" to highly atmospheric growers like my personal definitive album highlight "The Garden of Emotions". Progressive rock genre fans will find something to appreciate for every taste.
The organic, sincere and timeless production blends in perfectly and fills the ambitious instrumental concept with depth, life and warmth. Both listening to and viewing this concert is a pleasure for the senses.
At the end of the day, Ayreon's excellent live album Electric Castle Live and Other Tales is as amazing as the project's other concert releases and deserves much acclaim and attention from new, occasional and seasoned progressive rock and progressive metal aficionados from all around the world.
Final Rating: 98%
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