by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
A Quiet Place Part II is obviously the sequel to the successful science-fiction horror movie that became a blockbuster three years ago. This film is on the exact same level as its predecessor and should please fans of the original movie while not being able to introduce any new ideas and attract possible new fans.
The synopsis shall be kept as briefly as possible to avoid even minor spoilers. The film introduces the origins of the dystopian world presented in the first movie in the opening sequence before continuing right where the first movie ended. The surviving family members of the first film are looking for other survivors and meet a reclusive former friend who is hiding in an abandoned steel foundry. The group of survivors discover a radio station signal that might indicate that another group of survivors is hiding on an island. The reclusive man and the stubborn daughter go on an epic journey to find out more information about that island while the mother and her two sons stay behind and protect their hideout in the foundry.
This movie convinces on numerous levels. First of all, dialogues are scarcely used and employed with care, meaning and precision. Up next, the movie oozes with atmosphere due to excellent sound effects. The locations in this film are more diversified than in its predecessor and it's a wonderful visual experience to follow the recluse and the daughter on their journey to the island. The special effects are employed with care as they aren't overused which make the monsters even more mysterious. The acting performances are quite convincing and especially deaf teenage actress Millicent Simmonds is absolutely authentic and one of the greatest teenage actresses to be around.
There are very few elements that could be interpreted as minor flaws. The movie fails to summarize the events from the first film as it takes some time for viewers to remember what exactly happened. The scenes between the opening sequence and the meeting at the steel foundry might slightly overstay their welcome. This sequel leaves several questions unanswered which means that there is probably going to be at least a third movie in the near future.
At the end of the day, this movie is as great as its predecessor which means that A Quiet Place is one of the best contemporary science-fiction and horror franchises. This movie convinces with authentic acting performances, gripping atmosphere and an epic story that entertains from start to finish. My suggestion would be to watch the first movie right before discovering its sequel which would make for an eventful movie night with a few friends.
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