by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
And Then There Were None might be the most popular thriller ever written in the history of literature. It's quite a task to transform a novel with such a reputation into a great movie or television series. The British Broadcasting Corporation did a very good job with this television series consisting of three episodes of about sixty minutes.
The final result convinces with gloomy atmosphere, claustrophobic locations and tense plot close to the original story. The actresses and actors play their roles with conviction, passion and precision. Despite a considerable length of almost three hours, the final result doesn't overstay its welcome due to the elevated number of murders and the strong relationships between the different characters.
There are only few things to improve. The introduction was a little bit stiff and slightly overstayed its welcome. The locations could have been a little bit more contemporary, diversified and intriguing. The pace towards the end could have been even more frantic to increase tension.
Still, the British Broadcasting Corporation's adaptation of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None is one of the best versions of the popular source material. The final result might seem somewhat stiff and overlong to younger audiences but connoisseurs of the source material will praise the series' atmosphere and precision. This is an old-fashioned but timeless whodunit that honours the source material appropriately.
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