by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
I must admit that I have first seen the sequel of this movie because my girlfriend wanted to watch it in the cinema. Even though the whole thing was quite expensive with fifteen bucks for a movie of one and a half hour with a couple of mediocre special effects and a rather ordinary story line, I think that the follow-up is somewhat underrated because it has many funny characters, a couple of really good jokes and is overall very dynamical. The first part is overrated compared to the sequel as it is only as good as the second movie.
The beginning of the movie is way too long and quite boring. The acting is ordinary and quite predictable and copies a lot of family movies such as "Beethoven" or "Honey, I shrunk the kids". I don't know why a brilliant actor like Jeff Goldblum starred in this ordinary movie. The story itself is predictable and the ending the usual Hollywood kitsch for the (whole?) family that might please to the youngest fans but not to the rest. The connections to many spy movies that would make some adults laugh are much better in the sequel and the laughs of this first movie are simply orientated towards the younger public.
What saves this movies from bad mediocrity are the animals, the great special effects and the overall entertaining qualities. Especially Mister Tinkles as the villain cat and his strange nanny are very funny while the hero Lou can't really convince. The dog Sam and the Russian cat are two amusing sidekicks but the rest of the animal cast is rather boring.
In the end, one shouldn't be too severe with this movie as it is simply done to entertain a young public and surely succeeds from that point of view. The parents will be able to watch it with their children without hating it too much and some younger people that have cats or dogs at home might also like the concept. Anyone else will be more or less entertained with this flick and should rather head for better, more profound and especially more mature animation flicks such as "Toy Story", "How to train your dragon" or "Wall-E".
Anybody that happens to like this movie even though it has some major flaws shouldn't believe the negative hype and watch the second movie as well.
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