by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
The main reason why I watched this movie that is often described as one of the worst of all times is what appears to be Daniel Kublbock's tragic suicide that occured less than two weeks ago. The actor, businessman and musician jumped off a cruise ship into icy water and his body hasn't been recovered yet. Daniel Kublbock has always been a tragic character evoking both disgust and sympathy and who obviously had his share of mental struggles. His parents had wanted a daughter and separated in his early childhood. His mother was apparently an alcoholic who used to hit him sometimes while his relationship with his father was ambivalent. Daniel Kublbock auditioned for the first edition of a reality talent show when he was just seventeen years old. He wore androgynous clothes, appeared to be overtly emotional and had very dramatic, loud and unskilled vocals. Daniel Kublbock was looking for fame to find his own identity but refused to accept that he didn't have much talent and failed to understand that he was used by producers to have a clown in their show that people could make fun of. Againt all odds, many female teenagers pitied him or even saw themselves in this sympathetically confused being and made his songs and records more popular than anyone would have predicted. Daniel the Wizard was released at the height of his career. Instead of helping him find his fame and identity, the media attention had its share of negative impacts on him. Daniel Kublbock openly identified as bisexual, then admitted being homosexual and ended up claiming he was transgender shortly before his death. His physical appearance also shifted drastically as he looked quite androgynous as a teenager, then gave himself the look of a serious male businessman before adapting a feminine look with dresses and heavy makeup. His music also changed from anglophone pop rock music over Latin pop to a mixture of blues and jazz. Daniel Kublbock's fate is tragic because he never found his true identity and his erratic behaviour gave him a few moments of glory but also a few moments of resentment. Blaming those who bullied him because of his at times annoying behaviour is only partially accurate as his family, managers and friends should have helped him deal with his mental issues first instead of supporting him being watched by millions on television when he was still legally a child.
Ironically, much of this torn character can also be found in this movie that mixes fantasy elements and documentary aspects. Daniel Kublbock is seen going completely crazy on stage at one moment and sitting thoughtfully in an isolated room in the next scene. The film portrays a young female teenager who admires the unique and different singer while male teenagers despise him for his erratic behaviour. This film actually shows us who Daniel Kublbock really was and how he was really perceived by society. These two elements alone make the movie bearable and justify a slightly generous rating.
The rest of this film is a catastrophe. The plot is beyond ridiculous. The acting performances are stiff. The camera work is shaky. The sound is unsteady. The movie mostly consists of concert footage weirdly intertwined with poorly scripted fantasy elements. While other bad movies such as The Room show a certain degree of passion for filmmaking or are at least entertaining like Samurai Cop, Daniel the Wizard is neither passionate nor entertaining. Despite its short length of only eighty-one minutes, it feels incredibly stretched and could have been cut in half. The movie righteously sold very poorly but is today considered a cult flick because of its flaws. Honestly, those flaws are so amateurish that they aren't even worth discussing. Daniel the Wizard is only interesting to watch if you are intrigued by the lead actor's tragic fate. If you come here expecting hilarious entertainment, you have to looke elsewhere.
Calling this film one of the worst ever made would be exaggerated. Describing Daniel the Wizard as unsuccessful low budget mash-up of random documentary elements and weird fantasy parts is more accurate. This movie is a sympathetic wreck. Such seemed to be the life of its lead character as well. May Daniel Kublbock rest in peace.
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