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by Sebastian Kluth

Documents et exercices (anglais, langue seconde)

Asking questions in English - sec 1.docx

Quiz about Unit 3 - sec 1.docx

Vocabulary test on irregular verbs I.docx

Description of Halloween sec 1.docx

Preparation for the quiz about Unit 4 - sec 1.docx

Answer sheet for the preparation of the quiz about Unit 4 - sec 1.docx

Quiz about Unit 4: Chef for a Day - sec 1.docx

Food vocabulary - sec 1.docx

Vocabulary test on food and eating words - part I.docx

Vocabulary test on food and eating words - part II.docx

What is the emergency? - dialogue.docx

Dictation I - Natural disaster in Myanmar.docx

Alternative dictation: Costs of natural disasters - sec 1.docx

Quiz about Units 5 and 7 - sec 1.docx

Animal hero of the year 2013 - reading, understanding and writing.docx

Dictation II - Animal Hero.docx

Simple future exercises - sec 1.docx

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.docx

Group work: Songs about the future1.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 2.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 3.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 4.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 5.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 6.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 7.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 8.docx

Group work: Songs about the future 9.docx

Dictation III: China's space odyssey.docx

Science-fiction novel series: Maddrax & Metro 2033.docx

Group work: Science-fiction short story.docx

Science-fiction vocabulary sheet.docx

Prepositions sheet.docx

Quiz about Unit 8 - sec 1.docx

Quiz about Unit 8 - answer sheet - sec 1 - solutions.docx

Group work: Comic book tasks.docx

Comic book writing tasks part I - sec 1.docx

Comic book writing tasks part II - sec 1.docx

Vocabulary tests on comic books - sec 1.docx

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