by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Introducing a cool person.docx
Comparative and superlative adjectives - 15 exercises - sec 2.docx
Working on black stories - sec 2.docx
Exercises about adjective order, information questions & modal auxiliary verbs - sec 2.docx
Reading and understanding a text about extreme sports: Felix Baumgartner - sec 2.docx
Group work: Weird news radio show part I - sec 2.docx
Group work: Weird news radio show part II - sec 2.docx
Group work: Weird news radio show part III - sec 2.docx
Group work: Weird news radio show part IV - sec 2.docx
Group work: Weird news radio show part V - sec 2.docx
Research: Commonwealth of Nations.docx
Simple present or present progressive - Twin Peaks exercise.docx
English tenses: present perfect.docx
English tenses: past perfect.docx
How to build if-sentences / conditional clauses.docx
Working on conditional clauses.docx
Answer sheet for conditional clauses.docx
Introduction: discussing about advertisements.docx
Exercises with could, should and would.docx
Working on travel advices - sec 2.docx
Working on crazy travel experiences - sec 2.docx
Travel vocabulary - sec 2.docx
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