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by Sebastian Kluth

Evil Dead II (1987) - A horrible lack of ideas and originality - 1/10 (24/10/10)

Evil Dead II (1987)


One friend of mine, who was normally likes movies that I like, absolutely wanted to show me this movie and said that it would be a funny and very gore horror movie that wouldn't not take itself serious at all. My friend had presented me "Shaun of the dead" and I liked the mixture of horror and comedy in this movie. I also like "Scary movie" and "Final destination", horror movies that go into a funny and ridiculous direction. I even saw movies from the legendary Ed Wood such as "Bride of the monster" or "Plan 9 from outer space" and I thought that they were trashy, but very charming and atmospheric somehow. I think that I can consider myself as an open-minded person that finds this genre of horror comedy at least interesting.

I am really sorry to say this, but this movie is just complete rubbish. I know that this movie wants to joke about serious horror movies but after the first two or three sketches and the first ten minutes of surprising absurdity of this film, the whole thing is just not funny any more and you are waiting that there is some development, something original, something crazy to come, but that isn't the case. The childish jokes are repeated within the eighty minutes of the movie and become really annoying. The acting is particularly bad, the substance of ideas is running low, the dialogs are more than awful, there is nothing shocking or surprising, there are many mistakes in the movie and I could continue this list eternally. I know that those were the intentions of the director, but it is too much of everything and just not funny or entertaining anymore after ten minutes. All the movies that I have mentioned in my introduction are more original and funnier than this piece of garbage. I really tried to laugh, to put myself on a very low and childish level and took some beers during the film in the hope that it would help, but it didn't. It just helped me to almost fall asleep during this so-called cult movie but as I wanted to watch this completely and until the very end, I continued to torture myself. The only other horror movie that I know that is as awful as this one is Rob Zombie's "House of thousand corpses".

Even if some people find this "cult" movie funny and entertaining with its charming trash, I think that this stuff doesn't deserve such a high rating at all, when the other films that I mentioned are mostly rated about at least two points below this movie.


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