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by Sebastian Kluth

Exploring Wong Kar-wai's Filmography - Ninth Part: My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights (2007) - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - 8/10 (24/10/24)

My Blueberry Nights (2007)

My Blueberry Nights is Wong Kar-Wai's ninth full length feature film and his first and only film shot in English and filmed on location in the states of New York, Tennessee and Nevada. Despite the change in language and location, this film is very similar in style to Wong Kar-Wai's previous movies such as 2046 and In the Mood for Love, originally known as Fa Yeung Nin Wah. This movie is a personal drama and tells the story of a young woman who is going through a difficult separation before traveling through the United States of America to find new purpose in life and a romantic partner she can start a serious long-term relationship with. The way her story is told and how she meets numerous quirky characters on her road trip strongly reminds of David Lynch's underrated feature film The Straight Story.

This movie convinces on numerous levels and deserves critical acclaim. The story comes around with enough changes, surprises and turns to keep viewers watching throughout. The characters have been fleshed out with much care and empathy. The acting performances are stellar throughout and singer-songwriter Norah Jones impresses much in her acting debut. Her unique style and delivery recalls Wong Faye's passionate performance in Chungking Express, originally known as Chung Hing Sam Lam. The settings of this movie have been chosen particularly well and show three very different and unique states with beautiful sights and gloomier tones. The bright, detailed and warm camera work is outstanding and still makes this film a joy to watch two decades later. The soundtrack is once again filled with beautiful pop, soul and rhythm and blues music.

Few things deserve to be criticized regarding this wonderful film. Wong Kar-Wai remains faithful to his unique style which however makes the movie rather predictable at times. This film would also have benefitted from an extended length to develop its numerous characters further and introduce other fascinating characters as well. This movie might have best worked as a short television series in my humble opinion.

To keep it short, don't be afraid that this American production corrupts Wong Kar-Wai's unique filmmaking style. My Blueberry Nights is as delicate, profound and tender as his critically acclaimed previous features. This movie here is at times unfairly overlooked and has aged particularly well. It is best described as a contemporary fairy tale that invites viewers to dream, travel and reflect upon life. The film's moral is uplifting, optimistic and hopeful and might inspire viewers to always look on the bright side of life.

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