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by Sebastian Kluth

Freaks (2018) - Intelligent contemporary science-fiction drama - 8/10 (24/08/20)

Freaks (2018)

Freaks is a fresh contemporary American-Canadian science-fiction drama. The story revolves around a seven-year old girl whose mother died in her early childhood and whose paranoid father overprotects her. As she grows older, she starts questioning her father's restrictive rules as she desires to discover the world outside her home to find a new mother figure and make friends. She ultimately escapes from her home and befriends a mysterious ice cream truck driver. As the girl learns about the strange man's real identity, her own past and her dangerous supernatural capacities, things start dangerously spinning out of control.

This dynamic movie convinces on numerous levels. The story comes around with a few interesting twists and turns and ends on an intense note. The film impresses with a gloomy atmosphere from start to finish. For a science-fiction movie, Freaks has a surprisingly human vibe that makes the different characters quite attaching. The excellent acting performances increase this connection between the audience and the characters and especially child actress Alexa Kolker does an excellent job and becomes one with her role. The special effects aren't overused and employed very efficiently throughout the film.

There are very few things to criticize. The movie's opening third has an at times slow pace to introduce the different characters and settings. Bruce Dern plays the grumpy old man he seems to play in every recent movie these days and it would have been great for him to get a more diversified role.

Still, Freaks is a movie that should appeal both to younger audiences due to the excellent lead character and actress and older audiences due to the serious tone and story of the movie. Even cinephiles who usually dislike science-fiction movies should like Freaks if they are looking for a profound drama with a clever story. It's great to see so many intelligent science-fiction films such as A Quiet Place, The Witch and Vivarium being made these days. This genre can be so much more than aliens, battles and space. If you are looking for a creative contemporary science-fiction movie, look no longer and get started right here with Freaks.

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