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by Sebastian Kluth

Jungle Cruise (2021) - Entertaining Adventure Film for the Whole Family - 8/10 (25/11/21)

Jungle Cruise (2021)

Colour me surprised! For years, movies have been inspired by witty scripts, intriguing novels or even great video games but this is the first time I know of that a film has been inspired by a riverboat amusement ride. While the idea might sound puzzling on paper, the final result is actually a decent adventure film for the entire family.

Jungle Cruise manages to work for different reasons. First of all, the locations look absolutely astonishing. It's obvious that most of these locations have been produced in a studio but instead of looking fake, they transmit a magical atmosphere recalling fantasy milestones such as Avatar. The special effects in this film would even deserve an Academy Award.

Up next, the story is simple but comes around with a few interesting twists and turns, involving the son of a German emperor, a mysterious indigenous tribe and a horde of undead conquistadores. These elements make the film entertaining from start to finish and provide a pace that will even keep viewers intrigued who have a short attention span.

The acting performances are decent and quite sympathetic as well. Emily Blunt for instance shines as independent, resilient and strong woman who knows exactly what she wants and is willing to take enormous risks to make her ambitions come true. Her brother is played by Jack Whitehall who seems a little bit arrogant, naive and fearful at the beginning but who ends up becoming more complex and profound as he turns out to be courageous, loyal and supportive. Jesse Plemons finds an excellent balance between danger and satire when incarnating the son of a German emperor with megalomaniac eccentricities. Every single actress and actor does a very convincing job and manages to make a good movie great.

Jungle Cruise is an interesting adventure film for the entire family. The movie is intense but not brutal. The story is creative but not too complex. The length is neither too short nor too long. It's the kind of movie that could equally please a grand-father who fondly remembers the Indiana Jones movies, a young mother who has grown up playing Tomb Raider video games and a young daughter who admires acting super star Dwayne Johnson. It might not be the most experimental, groundbreaking or intellectual movie but it offers two hours of welcome escapism to the whole family.

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