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by Sebastian Kluth

L'appât (2010) - Copies and failures everywhere - 3/10 (13/05/11)

L'appât (2010)


This movie must be one of the worst comedy movies ever and is a breakdown after many great films coming from Quebec last year such as "Tough luck", "Incendies" and "The hair of the beast". Every thing about this movie seems to be copied in the wrong way.

An arrogant and intelligent guy from a French special elite must work together with a completely dumb police officer from Quebec. This duality between two very different police officers is nothing new: "Bon cop, bad cop" did an amazing job a couple of years ago and added something fresh and new to the genre and "Father and guns" combined the same idea with an intriguing spy story and complicated relationship between father and son. In this case, both characters remind superficial and can't get any sympathies. The arrogant French guy speaks a lot of different languages throughout the film and one wants to show us desperately how cool and intelligent he is and that's all. The Quebec officer is so dumb that the story is not only rather not realistic but also rather embarrassing. The jokes are predictable and mostly on a very low level. The actors probably do their best but with such a script they simply don't have any chance.

The other actors have the same problem. The black woman that follows the two partners simply tries to look cool and tough. The interactions between the superiors of the partners are doing some incredibly dumb puns on words and have no charisma at all. The bad guy in the story reminds superficial.

The story itself is also anything else than realistic and has got some plot holes. Why did they kill the bad guy in an overcrowded place so that they weren't able to know his secret? Why did they decide that someone should give the black girl an uniform in the most complicated way so that she had to kill the guy who gave her the uniform afterwards? Why didn't they look properly for the secret in the bad guy's house? Why did they ask a strange French guy to get further informations instead of giving the job to the black girl that could have easily seduced the stupid officer and get dumped afterwards? In the end not only the story and the actors are superficial, the whole thing is highly predictable. After a few seconds I knew who the bad guy was. After a few seconds I knew that there was a conspiracy going on. I already had an idea how the showdown of this movie could be and it turned out the way that I thought it would.

The movie simply copies from many other movies but they only kept the predictable stereotypes and failed to add something unique in any way to this weak flick. At least, the movie is quite short as if they had run out of ideas for a proper ending.

But the ending fears me a little bit. The movie finishes in a way that leaves some questions open and might suggest a possible sequel. I hope that Quebec's cinema won't waste any time and money on this plot and return to its strengths instead of reminding of the horrible comedy movies and series they did in the past and that only a few old fashioned Quebeckers might like while the rest of the world would shake their heads and feel embarrassed. Let's just turn the page and praise the last year as a great one for Quebec's cinema as we might ignore this little failure. I would suggest you to avoid this used and abused movie at all costs.


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