by Sebastian Kluth
These are the reviews I have recently been writing: 1 847 avis Union Food Court Toronto, ON M5J 1E6 il y a un jour Union Station's Concourse Hall or Food Court offers a vast selection of different restaurants for every taste from Asian over Middle Eastern...
Lire la suiteCanadian Premier League (CPL) Commissioner David Clanachan announced that SixFive Sports & Entertainment LP (SixFive) has been awarded an expansion franchise in Vancouver, British Columbia. The ninth Canadian Premier League club plans to join the league...
Lire la suiteDear readers, Many people keep asking me why I support the Arizona Coyotes. Last night's 5:4 victory against the Seattle Kraken exemplifies everything I admire about this team. The Arizona Coyotes have always faced more challenges than any other team...
Lire la suiteLadies and gentlemen! As the days are getting shorter, darker and colder, so does the music released throughout the month of October. This month's playlist features a selection of gothic rock, folk metal, power metal, progressive rock and progressive...
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Lire la suiteSwedish melodic power metal quintet Metalite is one of the most interesting new genre bands to be around. On its third studio album A Virtual World, the three men and two women combine catchy, danceable and melodic passages with atmospheric, dynamic and...
Lire la suiteFew bands represent the spirit of autumn as well as Portland's gothic metal quartet Unto Others. The idea to release an extended play for Halloween had been discussed for two years and the quartet has finally published such an output only a month after...
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