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by Sebastian Kluth

Twin Peaks, third season, seventh episode: There's a body all right

Twin Peaks, third season, seventh episode: There's a body all right

Seventh episode: There's a body all right / The Return, Part VII Content: Hawk and Frank Truman look at the pages torn from Laura's diary, which contain an entry about Annie telling Laura in a dream that the good Dale Cooper is trapped in the Black Lodge....

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Twin Peaks, third season, sixth episode: Don't die

Twin Peaks, third season, sixth episode: Don't die

Sixth episode: Don't die / The Return, Part VI Content: Police take Cooper to Dougie's home after he is found loitering outside his workplace. Janey-E receives a photo of Dougie with Jade and chastises Cooper for Dougie's infidelity but she seems to be...

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Takashi Miike's Dead or Alive trilogy

Takashi Miike's Dead or Alive trilogy

Ladies and gentlemen, The San Francisco Examiner once wrote about Takashi Miike's first Dead or Alive movie: ''Takashi Miike is the Japanese Tarantino... only much faster. If you think you've seen everything, wait until you see this!'' Sincerely, I couldn't...

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Tragedy strikes like lightning

Here is one of the most gripping scenes of the new season so far... More detailed articles about Twin Peaks' third season will be coming shortly!

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R.I.P. Helmut Kohl (1930 - 2017)

Anlasslich des Todes des deutschen Staatsmannes, der vom Spiegel auch als ''schwarzer Riese'' bezeichnet wurde (nicht zu verwechseln mit Shaquille O'Neal), mochte ich auf dieses Lied aufmerksam machen, das Helmut Kohl Tribut zollt: '' He talks like an...

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Expectations for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup

Expectations for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup

Ladies and gentlemen, The 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup in Russia is finally going to start this weekend. Here are my expectations and predictions regarding the outcome of the tournament. Group A Russia: Strengths: The Russians will try to impress their...

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Twin Peaks: Starring Russ Tamblyn as Doctor Lawrence Jacoby

Shovel your way out of the shit! The best shovel advertisement ever...

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Twin Peaks, third season, fifth episode: Case files

Twin Peaks, third season, fifth episode: Case files

Fifth episode: Case files / The Return, Part V Content: Cooper is dropped off at Dougie's workplace, an insurance company, still in a daze, although he reacts to a statue outside, the smell of coffee, and the words "agent" and "case files". The young...

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Deutscher Humor: Teil funf: Was guckst du?!

Liebe Leser, Hier folgt die funfte Folge meiner losen Reihe uber deutschen Humor. Die Sendung ''Was guckst du?!'' des deutsch-turkischen Komikers Kaya Yanar liess sich dem Genre der Ethno-Comedy zurechnen und nahm dabei in 120 Folgen zwischen 2001 und...

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Deutscher Humor: Teil vier: Hausmeister Krause

Liebe Leser, Hier folgt die vierte Folge meiner losen Reihe uber deutschen Humor. Heute mochte ich euch die legendare Sitcom ''Hausmeister Krause'' vorstellen, die aus acht Staffeln und insgesamt achtzig Folgen besteht. Anbei findet ihr sowohl die erste...

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