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by Sebastian Kluth

Deutscher Humor: Teil drei: Switch Reloaded

Liebe Leser, Hier folgt die dritte und vorerst wohl letzte Folge meiner losen Reihe uber deutschen Humor. Heute mochte ich euch die langjahrig erfolgreichen Sendungen "Switch" sowie "Switch Reloaded" vorstellen, die verschiedene TV-Formate und Prominente...

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Deutscher Humor: Teil zwei: Daruber lacht die Welt

Liebe Leser, Hier folgt nun der zweite Teil meiner losen Reihe uber deutschen Humor. Heute mochte ich euch den Komiker Hape Kerkeling und seine legendare Sendung "Daruber lacht die Welt" prasentieren, in der er in verschiedene Rollen schlupft und fur...

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Deutscher Humor: Teil eins: Kalkofes Mattscheibe

Liebe Leser, Als Auflockerung zwischen all den Analysen meiner Lieblingsfernsehserie Twin Peaks, werde ich in unregelmassigen Abstanden Videos deutscher Komiker oder humoristischer Sendungen vorstellen, die mir personlich sehr gut gefallen. Diese Reihe...

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Twin Peaks: Starring David Lynch as Gordon Cole

What the hell...?! That's right. I guess that's what most people thought when they first watched Twin Peaks... Stay tuned for more Twin Peaks reviews on my blog!

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Twin Peaks, third season, fourth episode: ...brings back some memories

Twin Peaks, third season, fourth episode: ...brings back some memories

Fourth episode: ...brings back some memories / The Return, Part IV Content: Special Agent Dale Cooper alias Dougie Jones wins several jackpots in the casino thanks to some visions of the Black Lodge before being given a limo ride to Dougie's home. Dougie's...

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Twin Peaks, third season, third episode: Call for help

Twin Peaks, third season, third episode: Call for help

Third episode: Call for help / The Return, Part III Content: Cooper lands in a metal spaceship where two strange women appear to protect him from an unseen entity. Cooper's evil doppelgänger becomes sick while driving and crashes when the Cooper from...

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Twin Peaks: Starring Kyle MacLachlan as Dougie Jones / Mr. Jackpots

That's what I'd call a winning streak! Stay tuned for more Twin Peaks reviews on my blog!

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Twin Peaks, third season, second episode: The stars turn and a time presents itself

Twin Peaks, third season, second episode: The stars turn and a time presents itself

Second episode: The stars turn and a time presents itself / The Return, Part II Content: Bill Hastings struggles with his predicament. When his wife Phyllis visits him he attempts to confide in her about a dream he had in which he was in the victim's...

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Twin Peaks, third season, first episode: My log has a message for you

Twin Peaks, third season, first episode: My log has a message for you

Ladies and gentlemen, My favorite television series of all times is back and I have just watched the first four episodes. I will briefly describe and analyze each of these episodes and hope to get you interested in the most innovative television series...

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Takashi Miike's Black Society Trilogy

Takashi Miike's Black Society Trilogy

Ladies and gentlemen, I have finally managed to watch Takashi Miike's Black Society Trilogy which consists of the movies Shinjuku Triad Society (1995), Rainy Dog (1997) and Ley Lines (1999). The trilogy focuses on foreign gangsters who are trying to find...

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