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by Sebastian Kluth

Prédictions pour les séries éliminatoires de la LHJMQ et la Coupe du Président

Huitièmes de finale / Première ronde: Saint John Sea Dogs (1) vs. Océanic de Rimouski (16) 4:1 Huskies de Rouyn-Noranda (2) vs. Halifax Mooseheads (15) 4 :0 Cataractes de Shawinigan (3) vs. Foreurs de Val-d’Or (14) 3 :4 Charlottetown Islanders (4) vs....

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Ottawa Senators to host Montreal Canadiens for 2017 Scotiabank NHL 100 Classic at TD Place!

Le retour de Bon Cop, Bad Cop

Chères lectrices et chers lecteurs, Normalement, je n'apprécie pas les suites d' oeuvres cinématographiques, mais dans ce cas-ci, je suis ouvert à me laisser convaincre. Cette année sortira le deuxième volet du classique québécois ''Bon Cop, Bad Cop''....

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Die besten Alben meiner bisherigen Lebensjahre

Hallo zusammen, Da ich mittlerweile ja nun auch nicht mehr der Allerjüngste bin, habe ich mir gedacht, dass ich mir mal überlege, welche Veröffentlichung denn für jedes meiner bisherigen siebenundzwanzig Lebensjahre meine liebste ist. Herausgekommen ist...

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Nos conditions de transport en commun se dégradent

Nos conditions de transport en commun se dégradent

Cela fait plusieurs lunes que les employeurs de la STO font de la propagande pour leur combat avec des chandails de couleurs excentriques portant le slogan: ''Nos conditions de travail se dégradent''. Même si je comprends les positions des employés et...

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The longest ice hockey game ever

Concerts in Ottawa in 2017: Wild Side, Iron Reagan and Power Trip at The Brass Monkey

Concerts in Ottawa in 2017: Wild Side, Iron Reagan and Power Trip at The Brass Monkey

Dear readers, Over the next weeks and months, I will once again put some concert reports online. The first concert I have been attending recently was a vivid crossover thrash metal show with Wild Side, Iron Reagan and Power Trip at The Brass Monkey in...

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Trying to brave the storm - A review of Suicide Silence's ''Suicide Silence''

Trying to brave the storm - A review of Suicide Silence's ''Suicide Silence''

Suicide Silence's self-titled fifth studio record is already the most controversial record of the year. The band shifted away from its famous deathcore roots and released an album somewhere between alternative metal inspired by KoRn, melodic death metal...

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My perfect alarm clock

My perfect alarm clock

An intellectual revolution beyond the metal genre - A review of Avenged Sevenfold's ''The Stage''

An intellectual revolution beyond the metal genre - A review of Avenged Sevenfold's ''The Stage''

There are many things that could be discussed regarding Avenged Sevenfold's seventh studio record The Stage. I might mention that the band released this record without any big announcements and promotions and kept their upcoming release a well-kept secret...

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