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by Sebastian Kluth

Le 175ème anniversaire du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean I

Le 175ème anniversaire du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean I

Bonjour chères lectrices et chers lecteurs, Cet article est bien spécial car il souligne en détail le cent-soixante-quinzième anniversaire de la belle région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean au Québec. Mon article ne revient pas seulement sur les éléments clés...

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La culture de l'humour au Québec

Bonjour chers lecteurs (et chères lectrices) de mon blogue. Je vous écris aujourd'hui pour vous présenter un nouvel article assez détaillé que je viens tout juste de composer. Son sujet est la culture de l'humour au Québec. N'hésitez pas de me laisser...

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Spring Time!

Dear readers of my blog, I'm in the "not-so-remote" town of Ottawa right now. It feels great to speak English again and travel a little bit even though I'm really tired right now. The defeat of the Montreal Canadiens against the Ottawa Senators today...

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Happy Easter!

Dear readers of my blog, I'm in the remote town of Baie-Comeau right now where I stay with a friend and his family. I've also been working on a new curriculum vitae and had some sort of job interview in the region. I continue to look around in order to...

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Going through changes

Hello dear readers of my blog, 2013 is not only the year of the (water) snake but also a year of big creative changes for me. A few weeks ago, I've written and posted my last review on The Metal Archives. After five hundred reviews, I feel that everything...

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L’heure est plus grave que jamais pour l’éducation universitaire au Québec!

Les universités québécoises traversent une période très difficile. Après les manifestations étudiantes du printemps érable qui ont mené à de nouvelles élections provinciales et à une annulation de la hausse des frais de scolarité, bien des universités...

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Interview with the Russian band United Mind Club - The essence of “Mind Metal”: “Just beat it, this is my life - you have to decide about yours!”

Interview with the Russian band United Mind Club - The essence of “Mind Metal”: “Just beat it, this is my life - you have to decide about yours!”

UNITED MIND CLUB is a quite intriguing band from the small town of Tver in Russia that mixes Industrial, Progressive and Thrash Metal with modern electronic influences. After a first EP from 2008 that is ironically entitled “The Last Performance”, the...

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UQAC Harlem Shake

That's my university! I'm not in the video but I just wanted to share with you the Harlem shake version of the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi that was filmed on Valentine's Day 2013 at the library.

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Interview with the Taiwanese band Seraphim - The fate of music brought them together

Interview with the Taiwanese band Seraphim - The fate of music brought them together

“Seraphim” (or “六翼天使” in Mandarin Chinese) is a Power Metal band from Taipei, Republic of China. Right now, the band is composed by main songwriter and guitarist Kessier Hsu who has also been involved in one of the country’s very first Heavy Metal bands...

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