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by Sebastian Kluth

Petrie Island on May 1st 2022

Petrie Island on May 1st 2022

Final Home Game of the Season: Florida Panthers against Ottawa Senators on April 28th 2022

Final Home Game of the Season: Florida Panthers against Ottawa Senators on April 28th 2022

Konzertbericht: Apocalyptica und Lacuna Coil im MTelus in Montreal

Konzertbericht: Apocalyptica und Lacuna Coil im MTelus in Montreal

Ich war letzten Mittwoch auf meinem ersten Konzert seit 27 Monaten: Apocalyptica und Lacuna Coil im MTelus in Montreal. Eigentlich hätte das Konzert im Frühjahr 2020 stattfinden und Apocalypticas damals brandneues Album Cell-0 zelebrieren sollen. Der...

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An Excellent Documentary about the Current State of Affairs in North Korea

Dear readers, I have found this excellent documentary about the current state of affairs on National Geography's YouTube channel earlier today. Always try to keep an open mind for the things that are going on around the world!

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An Excellent Overview of Iron Maiden's Illustrious Career in Form of Excellent Drum Covers in Chronological Order

Dear readers, I have found this outstanding video on YouTube yesterday. Enjoy and have a great day!

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My Predictions for the First Round of the 2022 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs in the National Hockey League

Dear readers of my blog, These are my predictions for the first round of the 2022 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs in the National Hockey League. Florida Panthers (1st in Atlantic Division) vs. Washington Capitals (2nd Western Conference Wild Card): Florida Panthers...

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Another Shining Example of Resilience at Its Very Best: What an Atmosphere at the Arizona Coyotes' Final Home Game of the Season! Go Yotes!

Spotify Playlist: Best Songs Released in April 2022

Dear readers! The month of April hasn't been too spectacular in terms of new music being released but I have still managed to put together a respectable playlist featuring ten diversified songs covering genres such as crossover, progressive rock, hard...

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A Hockey Trilogy: Detroit Red Wings versus Ottawa Senators on April 3rd 2022

A Hockey Trilogy: Detroit Red Wings versus Ottawa Senators on April 3rd 2022

Please enjoy the game highlights below:

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A Hockey Trilogy: Columbus Blue Jackets versus Ottawa Senators on March 16th 2022

A Hockey Trilogy: Columbus Blue Jackets versus Ottawa Senators on March 16th 2022

Please enjoy the game highlights below:

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