by Sebastian Kluth
Cruel Gun Story, originally known as Kenju Zankoku Monogatari, is a Japanese film noir that mixes elements of a personal drama with gritty action-thriller sequences. This is one of the last movies directed by Nikkatsu Studio employee Furukawa Takumi who...
Lire la suiteTake Aim at the Police Van, originally known as Jûsangô Taihisen' Yori: Sono Gosôsha o Nerae, is a Japanese film noir that unfolds as an investigative thriller through seventy-nine minutes. The movie was made by renowned director Seijun Suzuki who had...
Lire la suiteTake Aim at the Police Van, originally known as Jûsangô Taihisen' Yori: Sono Gosôsha o Nerae, is a Japanese film noir that unfolds as an investigative thriller through seventy-nine minutes. The movie was made by renowned director Seijun Suzuki who had...
Lire la suiteTake Aim at the Police Van, originally known as Jûsangô Taihisen' Yori: Sono Gosôsha o Nerae, is a Japanese film noir that unfolds as an investigative thriller through seventy-nine minutes. The movie was made by renowned director Seijun Suzuki who had...
Lire la suiteRusty Knife, originally known as Sabita Naifu, is a Japanese film noir that mixes elements of a personal drama with gangster movie tropes. This was the third movie by young director Masuda Toshio for Nikkatsu Studio and this promising talent would work...
Lire la suiteI Am Waiting, originally known as Ore Wa Matteru Ze, is a Japanese film noir that mixes elements of a personal drama with gangster thriller segments. This was the first movie for promising young director Kurahara Koreyoshi and its lead actress Kitahara...
Lire la suite2046 is the eighth full length feature film by renowned Chinese director Wong Kar-Wai and it's also by far my favourite movie by him. This film combines elements of science-fiction and personal drama. It is loosely connected to some characters and events...
Lire la suiteIn the Mood for Love, originally known as Fa Yeung Nin Wah, is the seventh full length feature film by renowned Chinese director Wong Kar-Wai. This movie has achieved much critical acclaim and is often considered the director's greatest creation along...
Lire la suiteHappy Together, originally known as Chun Gwong Ja Sit, is Wong Kar-Wai's sixth full length feature film that was released just a month before British Hong Kong was transferred to the People's Republic of China. This movie remains faithful to some of the...
Lire la suiteFallen Angels, originally titled Do lok tin si, is a gangster drama from British Hong Kong and the fifth feature film released by renowned director Wong Kar-wai. This movie is sometimes described as a sequel to much more light-hearted comedy drama Chungking...
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