by Sebastian Kluth
German quartet Lacrimas Profundere has received quite some attention in the German gothic scene in the early years of the millennium and I remember several very good songs being included on samplers by magazines such as Sonic Seducer and Zillo back in...
Lire la suiteFor years, or shall I say decades by now, fans from all around the world have been complaining about the downfall of melodic death metal pioneers In Flames who have been opting for playing commercially successful alternative rock while gradually stepping...
Lire la suiteIn chaotic times of change, it can be enjoyable to listen to a consistent band that doesn't move even one iota away from its trademark sounds and comes around with new material every second year. Such is the case of Alestorm's Seventh Rum of a Seventh...
Lire la suite''No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.''
Lire la suiteThe first band that comes to mind is Simple Plan. The band tried to capitalize upon the pop punk success in the early years of the millennium but always sounded like completely vapid radio music without any depth. My ex-girlfriend didn't like metal music...
Lire la suiteTake a look, I'm famous now!
Lire la suiteFew bands have gone through as many line-up changes as Annihilator. The first four studio albums alone featured four different lead vocalists. This is why it's not a bad idea at all to record some of the classics again with one single line-up as a potential...
Lire la suiteFew bands have gone through as many line-up changes as Annihilator. The first four studio albums alone featured four different lead vocalists. This is why it's not a bad idea at all to record some of the classics again with one single line-up as a potential...
Lire la suiteFew bands have gone through as many line-up changes as Annihilator. The first four studio albums alone featured four different lead vocalists. This is why it's not a bad idea at all to record some of the classics again with one single line-up as a potential...
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