by Sebastian Kluth
Grasshopper, also known as Three Assassins and Suzuki's Revenge, is a gangster thriller by renowned Japanese author Isaka Kotaro, that was first published in September 2004. A manga continuation saw the light of day from 2007 until 2009. A spin-off series...
Lire la suiteRing, originally titled Ringu, is a Japanese mystery horror novel from 1991 that propulsed young author Suzuki Koji to national and later on even international stardom. It took the novel twelve years to be published in English. Ring was followed by two...
Lire la suiteDark Matter is a science-fiction novel by American author Blake Crouch who is best known for his influential Wayward Pines Trilogy. This novel has been critically acclaimed and will be adapted into an upcoming television series starring renowned actor...
Lire la suiteSummer of Night is a 1991 horror novel by renowned American author Dan Simmons. It's the first novel in the four-part Seasons of Horror series. The great thing is that one can read Summer of Night without feeling the urge to explore the rest of the series....
Lire la suiteBullet Train is a black humour thriller by Japanese author Isaka Kotaro. It was published under its original title Maria Beetle in 2010 by Kadokawa Shoten. The novel is loosely connected to Three Assassins, originally released as Grasshopper back in 2004,...
Lire la suiteNo Longer Human was originally a novel by renowned Japanese author Dazai Osamu with strong autobiographical elements revolving around subjects such as depression, social alienation and ultimately suicide. Dazai Osamu took his own life by double suicide...
Lire la suiteFor a long time, I had no interest in reading manga. Many of my friends already read manga very frequently at high school, college and university but the manga they presented to me didn't spark my interest. I thought that most manga were rather childish,...
Lire la suiteCarlton Mellick III's "The Haunted Vagina" is a very bizarre and experimental fantasy-horror novella. The American author is known for controversial, grotesque and strange novels and novellas such as "Adolf in Wonderland", "Every Time We Meet at the Dairy...
Lire la suiteGreg F. Gifune's Midnight Solitaire is a short supernatural horror novel published in 2011. Depending on the version you have got, the novel is about two hundred pages long. It should take somewhere between four and six hours to read. The story revolves...
Lire la suite1. Ralf Isau – Die Neschan-Trilogie (1995 - 1996) Band 1: Die Träume des Jonathan Jabbok (1995) Band 2: Das Geheimnis des siebten Richters (1995) Band 3: Das Lied der Befreiung Neschans (1996) These three books are brilliant and timeless fantasy novels...
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