by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Cathubodua is a Belgian symphonic power metal sextet that has just released its debut record Continuum. The record doesn't only convince with a gorgeous cover artwork by artist Jelle van Loo. The song writing on the record is refreshingly balanced as short atmospheric interludes around the two-minute mark such as ''The Tempest'' meet heavier regular tracks varying between three and five minutes like dramatic ''Deified'' and the record's entertainingly epic opus magnum ''Apotheosis'' that breaks the ten-minute mark. The group employs melodic keyboards but also vibrant violins without forgetting about rhythmic heavy metal riffs. Sara Vanderheyden's variable, emotional and dramatic vocals recall genre stars like Floor Jansen without copying them.
Not everything is perfect on this first output however. A catchy song that could really stand out is missing here. The album would benefit from more domineering guitar play and especially a few passionate solos would be mandatory when playing power metal. The rhythm section is mostly unspectacular and only operates in the background. Cathubodua should not only focus on aesthetics and atmosphere but also on energy and speed.
Fans of female-fronted melodic power metal with symphonic elements and balanced song writing should give this promising newcomer a chance. Cathubodua convinces with variable vocals, excellent symphonic elements and balanced song writing. If the band were able to add some rhythm, energy and catchiness to the formula, the talented sextet might get more attention in the future.
Final rating: 70%
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