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by Sebastian Kluth

My Reviews on Google Maps from 2017 to 2021

 1 474 avis
Photo de Subway
177 Boulevard Saint-Joseph, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3X1
Le service dans cette filiale de Subway est courtois et rapide. Les repas sont diversifiés et les prix sont compétitifs. Par contre, la machine pour payer par carte est un peu lente et les sacs en papiers sont très fragiles.
Photo de Subway
Quebec Canada, 438 Boulevard Saint-Joseph, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3Y7
Cette filiale de Subway est bien entretenue. Les repas offrent beaucoup de variété pour tous les goûts. Le service est courtois. Les prix sont raisonnables. Par contre, le service peut être un peu lent lorsqu'il y a plus d'achalandage sur l'heure du dîner. Ce n'est pas la faute des employés, mais plutôt dû au manque d'employés travaillant sur place à ces moments-là.
Photo de Pizza Pizza
Pizza Pizza
434 Boulevard Saint-Joseph, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3Y7
Ce Pizza Pizza offre de délicieuses pizzas avec plusieurs plats d'accompagnement pour des prix raisonnables. Le service est courtois, mais il manque parfois d'employés. Vu que les employés ont plusieurs tâches à accomplir, cela peut prendre un certain temps avant de pouvoir commander et payer sur place.
Photo de La Pataterie Hulloise
La Pataterie Hulloise
311 Boulevard Saint-Joseph, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3Y6
La Pataterie Hulloise offre de la restauration rapide comme des hamburgers, hot-dogs et poutines. Le service est généralement rapide et courtois, mais il y a beaucoup d'achalandage à certains moments. Les prix sont légèrement élevés pour la qualité offerte. Les repas goûtent bons, mais devraient être consommés avec modération.
Photo de Old Chelsea Protestant Burial Ground
Old Chelsea Protestant Burial Ground
249 Chemin Old Chelsea, Chelsea, QC J9B 1J3
Le cimetière protestant des pionniers de Chelsea est un secret bien gardé. Il se situe entre la rue principale et les cascades à proximité du terrain de pique-nique d'Old Chelsea. Les lieux sont bien entretenus et on peut y accéder par la rue ou par un petit sentier dans la forêt. Il y a quelques plaques informatives qui décrivent l'histoire des lieux.
Photo de La Cigale
La Cigale
14 Chemin Scott, Chelsea, QC J9B 1R5
La Cigale offre des crèmes glacées et des laits frappés d'une excellente qualité. Le service est très courtois et rapide malgré l'achalandage en printemps et en été. Les prix sont par contre un peu élevés à mon avis.
Photo de Camp Fortune Parcours de disc-golf
Camp Fortune Parcours de disc-golf
Chemin Dunlop, Chelsea, QC J9B 2N3
Le parcours de disc-golf du Camp Fortune est assez court, divertissant et rapide et offre une belle alternative à l'activité d'arbre en arbre. La location se passe rapidement, les prix sont raisonnables et le service est courtois. Il y a plusieurs tables de pique-nique sur place.
Photo de Sentier du Mont-King
Sentier du Mont-King
Promenade Champlain, Chelsea, QC J9B 1A3
Le sentier du Mont-KIng est d'une longueur d'environ deux kilomètres. Il est assez accidenté et de difficulté moyenne. Au début du sentier, il y a un stationnement, plusieurs tables de pique-niques, des toilettes publiques et des cartes informatives. Le tout est très bien entretenu entre avril et octobre. La vallée offre des vues impressionantes sur le lac Black. Il y a plusieurs marches bien entretenues qui mènent au sommet du mont King. Les vues sont à couper le souffle. Vous pourrez alors voir Hollow Glen, Luskville, Aylmer, Hull et bien sûr Ottawa au loin. Il y a quelques panneaux informatifs sur le chemin et un monument au sommet. En tout, cela prend environ quarante-cinq minutes à une heure pour fair la boucle du sentier en toute tranquilité.
Photo de The Eardley Escarpment View
The Eardley Escarpment View
Sentier Mont King, Chelsea, QC J9B 1A3
Le sommet de l'escarpement d'Eardley est un belvédère du mont King. Il est accessible à partir du stationnement du Mont King en environ trente minutes. Le sentier pour y accéder est assez accidenté et de difficulté moyenne. Il y a plusieurs marches bien entretenues qui mènent au sommet du mont King. Les vues sont à couper le souffle. Vous pourrez alors voir Hollow Glen, Luskville, Aylmer, Hull et bien sûr Ottawa au loin. Il y a quelques panneaux informatifs sur le chemin. Il y a également un petit banc pour deux à quatre personnes sur place.
Photo de Lieu historique national du Canada de la Première-Station-Géodésique
Lieu historique national du Canada de la Première-Station-Géodésique
Chelsea, QC J9B 1A3
Le lieu historique national du Canada de la Première-Station-Géodésique est accessible à partir du stationnement du Mont King en environ trente minutes. Le sentier est assez accidenté et de difficulté moyenne. Il y a plusieurs marches bien entretenues qui mènent au sommet du mont King. Les vues sont à couper le souffle. Vous pourrez alors voir Hull, Aylmer, Luskville et bien sûr Ottawa au loin. Il y a quelques panneaux informatifs sur le chemin et un monument sur place. La plaque du monument est par contre temporairement enlevée pour l'instant.
Photo de Skyline Trail
Skyline Trail
Sentier 6, Chelsea, QC J9B 2N3
La boucle du sentier Skyline nous fait découvrir des paysages impressionnants sur un trajet de cinq point six kilomètres. Le sentier est un peu accidenté, mais seulement de difficulté moyenne. Cela prend environ une heure pour faire le tour en toute tranquilité tout en prenant des photos.
Photo de Wattsford's Lookout
Wattsford's Lookout
Chelsea, QC J9B 1G8
Le belvédère Wattsford est tout à fait magnifique. On y trouve un banc très confortable qui offre assez de place pour trois à quatre personnes. La vue sur la région est à couper le souffle. Prenez le temps d'y rester quinze à trente minutes pour écouter et observer les oiseaux.
Photo de Terrain de pique-nique du Pingouin
Terrain de pique-nique du Pingouin
Prom. de la Gatineau, Chelsea, QC J9B 1H9
Le terrain de pique-nique du Pingouin est bien situé dans la nature. Ce terrain est très grand et on y trouve des toilettes publiques, des grandes cartes du Parc de la Gatineau, des tables avec des bancs, plusieurs sentiers pédestres et un grand stationnement. C'est peut-être le meilleur terrain en son genre dans l'ensemble du Parc de la Gatineau.
Photo de Old Chelsea Picnic Area
Old Chelsea Picnic Area
15 Chemin Kingsmere, Chelsea, QC J9B 1G8
Le petit terrain de pique-nique d'Old Chelsea se situe à quelques minutes à pied, à vélo et à voiture du centre-ville. Il y a une toilette publique bien entretenue, quelques tables de pique-nique et quelques lieux pour faire des feux en toute sécurité.
Photo de Couche-Tard
51 Boulevard Fournier, Gatineau, QC J8X 3P5
Ce Couche-Tard est un bon petit dépanneur de quartier. L'espace est grand et le service est courtois. Les prix des boissons et de la nourriture deviennent par contre de plus en plus dispendieux à un rythme effréné.
Photo de Parc Daniel-Johnson
Parc Daniel-Johnson
54 Rue Tassé, Gatineau, QC J8Z 1S4
Le parc Daniel-Johnson offre de nombreux jeux et divertissements pour jeunes enfants et leurs familles. Le parc est proche du quartier avoisinant, de l'École Philemon Wright et de l'autoroute, mais il est très sécuritaire, paisible et bien entretenu. C'est un excellent endroit pour passer un après-midi ensoleillé en famille.
Photo de Skatepark des Hautes Plaines
Skatepark des Hautes Plaines
Gatineau, QC J8Z 2H8
Ce planchodrome est situé entre le Parc des Hautes-Plaines et le CPE des Hautes-Plaines. Il est un peu à l'écart des autres endroits et offre une atmosphère assez détendue. Il y a des petits murs avec des dessins et graffitis tout autour du planchodrome qui ajoutent un peu de couleur aux décors.
Photo de Parc Des Hautes Plaines
Parc Des Hautes Plaines
479 Blvd. des Hautes-Plaines, Gatineau, QC J8Z 2H8
Ce grand parc bien entretenu offre de nombreux jeux et divertissements. Il est proche de plusieurs sentiers et pistes cyclables. Il est proche du quartier et de l'autoroute avoisinante, mais très calme, naturel et sécuritaire malgré cela. C'est l'endroit parfait pour passer un après-midi ensoleillé en famille.
Photo de Portugalos Restaurant
Portugalos Restaurant
53 Rue Bellehumeur, Gatineau, QC J8T 1P8
Ce restaurant portugais offre des repas authentiques et variés. Les portions sont généreuses. Les prix sont raisonnables. Ce restaurant est recommandé à tous ceux qui aiment des grillades légèrement épicées.
Photo de Ding-Ho Chinese Food
Ding-Ho Chinese Food
2310 Rue Saint-Louis, Gatineau, QC J8T 5L7
Le restaurant Dig-Ho offre une excellente sélection de repas d'inspiration asiatique qui goûtent très bons. Les portions sont généreuses. Les prix sont raisonnables.
Photo de Harvey's
541 Boulevard Saint-Joseph, Gatineau, QC J8Y 4A1
Ce Harvey's offre une sélection de burgers et à-côtés assez variée que l'on peut garnir à ses goûts. Les prix sont raisonnables. Le service est courtois et rapide.
Photo de Relais McKinstry
Relais McKinstry
Trail 1, Luskville, Quebec J0X 2G0
Le relais McKinstry est un beau refuge bien aménagé avec trois portes d'entrée. À l'extérieur, on trouve une table avec deux bancs, une toilette et une hutte de bois de chauffage. L'endroit se trouve à environ quarante-cinq minutes de la tour à feu de Luskville.
Photo de Tour à feu de Luskville
Tour à feu de Luskville
Pontiac, QC J0X 2G0
La tour à feu de Luskville n'est plus utilisée depuis les années soixante-dix. Par contre, la vue du sommet de cette colline est magnifique. Un panneau nous donne plus d'information sur ces lieux. La tour à feu de Luskville se trouve au bout du sentier numéro un du Parc de la Gatineau.
Photo de Sentier de la Chute-de-Luskville
Sentier de la Chute-de-Luskville
Chemin de l'Hôtel de Ville, Luskville, QC J0X 2G0
Le sentier de la Chute-de-Luskville est assez accidenté et monte jusqu'à 395 mètres. De bonnes chaussures de marche sont nécessaires pour monter de la chute jusqu'à la tour à feu et plus loin. Cela prend environ une heure et demi de monter et une heure de descendre. Les nombreux panoramas du sentier valent la peine et sont à couper le souffle.
Photo de Shell-Bonisoir Famille Charles
Shell-Bonisoir Famille Charles
1711 Route 105, Chelsea, QC J9B 0B9
Cette station-service est bien située entre les routes 5 et 105. Le service est très courtois. Le magasin en soi est plutôt petit et les choix un peu limités.
Photo de La source - Wakefield Spring
La source - Wakefield Spring
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
La source de Wakfield offre une bonne eau claire, minéralisée et pure. C'est un endroit idéal pour remplir ses bouteilles ou gourdes gratuitement avant ou après une belle promenade dans le coin.
Photo de Wakefield Hiking Trails
Wakefield Hiking Trails
42 Chemin du Cimetière-Maclaren, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
Les sentiers de Wakefield partent du cimetière et se rendent jusqu'au centre-ville. La durée des sentiers est d'eviron trentre à quarante-cinq minutes. Ils sont bien aménagés et offrent de belles vues.
Photo de La Confiserie Wakefield
La Confiserie Wakefield
817 Chemin Riverside, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
La Confiserie Wakefield offre des chocolats délicieux pour des prix raisonnables. Le service est très courtois. L'espace est un peu restreint et c'est un client à la fois en temps de pandémie. Les choix étaient un petit peu limités lors de notre visite à Pâques.
Photo de Fairbairn House Heritage Centre
Fairbairn House Heritage Centre
45 Chemin de Wakefield Heights, Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
Ce beau petit parc autour de la Maison Fairbairn est un des meilleurs secrets cachés de la belle petite ville de Wakefield. Les maisons sont magnifiques. Le jardin est bien aménagé. Il y a plusieurs petits sentiers qui partent d'Ici qui se font bien à n'importe quelle saison.
Photo de Ruines Carbide Willson
Ruines Carbide Willson
Chelsea, QC J9B 1H9
Ces ruines intéressantes entourées d'une chute d'eau sont vraiment belles à regarder et à photographier. Les ruines se trouvent à environ trente minutes du stationnement O'Brien. Par contre, le chemin vers les ruines n'est past très bien …
Photo de Discovery Trail
Discovery Trail
Chemin du Lac Meech, Chelsea, QC J9B 1H9
Ce long sentier relie Chelsea au lac Philippe. Le sentier est très beau, calme et isolé. La plus belle partie est celle qui contourne le lac Meech.
Photo de Sugarbush Trail
Sugarbush Trail
33 Chemin Scott, Chelsea, QC J9B 1R5
Ce beau petit sentier passe par la forêt et un ruisseau. Cela prend environ quarante-cinq minutes de faire la boucle. Présentement, le chemin se fait en sens unique en raison de la pandémie.
Photo de Epicerie Parc De La Montagne
Epicerie Parc De La Montagne
46 Rue Bédard, Gatineau, QC J8P 6V4
L'épicerie Parc de la Montagne est plutôt un petit kiosque. On peut y trouver des boissons et des friandises, mais aussi des produits congelés et même des films. De plus, c'est un des rares endroits qui offre encore des billets d'autobus. Le service est calme et courtois. Le seul élément qui manquait lors de ma première visite était un désinfectant pour la main à l'entrée pendant la pandémie.
Photo de Supercentre Walmart
Supercentre Walmart
2277 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, ON K1H 7X6
I recently went to this Walmart to buy a few new pants for work. As I was looking for the fitting rooms, I was rudely told that they had been closed for the past year and that they won't open ever again. When I asked how people could try on their clothes before purchasing them, I was told that I should just buy some of them, try them on at home and bring them back if they don't fit. I consider that option a waste of time and it's also unnecessary pollution to drive back and forth for no reason like that. I won't go shopping here again and will find my pants elsewhere.
Photo de Aéroport international Pulkovo
Aéroport international Pulkovo
лит. ЗА, Pulkovskoye Shosse, д. 41, St Petersburg, Russie, 196140
Pulkovo Airport is surprisingly small and easy to navigate through. Security is quite thorough. The thing that surprised me most were the mirrors on the ceiling in the restrooms which are quite creepy.
Photo de Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh
Nevsky Ave, 56, St Petersburg, Russie, 191011
Eliseyev Emporium is a large retail and entertainment complex with a famous food hall. This place convinces with its colourful, elegant and inspired architecture. Prices are slightly elevated but justified by the complex's excellent location in downtown Saint Petersburg.
Photo de Institut Smolny
Institut Smolny
Smolnyi pr-d, 1, St Petersburg, Russie, 191124
Smolny Institute is a truly stunning building complex surrounded by a beautiful garden with a magnificent statue. This place is certainly worth a detour on a prolonged stroll through downtown Saint Petersburg.
Photo de Letuchiy Gollandets
Letuchiy Gollandets
Mytninskaya Naberezhnaya, 6, St Petersburg, Russie, 197198
Letuchiy Gollandetz is one of the most wondrous places to visit in Saint Petersburg. You can find numerous things on this beautiful ship such as a restaurant, a gym and a beauty saloon. The concept is truly intriguing and at least worth a couple of photographs.
Photo de St.Petersburg TV Tower
St.Petersburg TV Tower
Aptekarskaya Naberezhnaya, 16, St Petersburg, Russie, 197022
Saint Petersburg Television Tower doesn't look too spectacular at day time but is an amazing sight at night time with its colourful lights. This spot is worth a detour on a relaxing nightly stroll through downtown Saint Petersburg.
Photo de Цирк в Автово
Цирк в Автово
Avtovskaya Ulitsa, 1А, St Petersburg, Russie, 198096
This little circus in the south-western part of Saint Petersburg offers very entertaining shows for younger audiences. The shows include a multitude of animals such as bears, dogs, horses, lions and tigers. The human performers are also doing a great job. This place is recommended if you are looking for something to visit with children or young teenagers.
Photo de Statue de Pouchkine
Statue de Pouchkine
Площадь Искусств, St Petersburg, Russie, 191186
The Monument to Pushkin on Arts Square in St. Petersburg is another magnificent statue to admire in beautiful downtown Saint Petersburg. It's certainly worth a detour on a long stroll through this amazing city.
Photo de Monument to Mikhail Glinka
Monument to Mikhail Glinka
Ulitsa Glinki, 9, St Petersburg, Russie, 190068
The monument to Mikhail Glinka is situated in the most beautiful part of downtown Saint Petersburg and certainly worth a quick detour.
Photo de The monument to Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov
The monument to Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov
Theatre Square, 2, St Petersburg, Russie, 190000
The monument to Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov is situated in the most beautiful part of downtown Saint Petersburg and certainly worth a quick detour.
Photo de Cathédrale Saint-Isaac
Cathédrale Saint-Isaac
St Isaac's Square, 4, St Petersburg, Russie, 190000
Saint Isaac's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful cathedrals I have ever visited with its colourful paintings and numerous golden frames. There are only occasional church services these days and the cathedral is mainly a museum now. Needless to say that this stunning building is worth a detour on your stroll through downtown Saint Petersburg.
Photo de Cavalier de Bronze
Cavalier de Bronze
Senate Square, St Petersburg, Russie, 190000
The Bronze Horseman is a stunning statue of Peter the Great situated in the beautiful Senate Square. The statue's pedestal is believed to have been the largest stone ever moved by humans. It's the most beautiful statue in the entire city and definitely worth a detour.
Photo de Quai aux sphinx
Quai aux sphinx
University Embankment, 17, St Petersburg, Russie, 199034
The Quay with Sphinxes is remarkable for the two ancient sphinxes that were brought from Egypt to Russia in the early nineteenth century. The embankment on the Great Neva offers splendid views of Saint Petersburg's most beautiful buildings. It's a perfect spot for a relaxing stroll.
Photo de Подводная лодка Д-2 "Народоволец"
Подводная лодка Д-2 "Народоволец"
Shkiperskiy Protok, 10, St Petersburg, Russie, 199106
I had the chance to visit this stunning submarine fifteen years ago. It was an immersive, instructive and unique experience that I can highly recommend.
Photo de Restaurant Café Mont-Royal
Restaurant Café Mont-Royal
6 Rue Jacques-Cartier E, Chicoutimi, QC G7G 4M1
Le Restaurant Café Mont-Royal est bien situé au centre-ville de Chicoutimi. Il y a des stationnements gratuits et des arrêts de bus à proximité. Le restaurant est petit et offre de la place pour environ trentre personnes. Ce restaurant rappelle les restaurants américains de l'après-guerre ce qui a un certain charme. Les banquettes sont très confortables. Le restaurant offre des déjeuners et dîners pour des prix raisonnables. Il n'y a pas énormément de choix et le menu est simple. Le service est courtois, mais parfois un peu lent. Pour résumer, ce restaurant bien situé offre des déjeuners simples à prix raisonnables.
Photo de Win Tai Market
Win Tai Market
1137 Ogilvie Rd, Gloucester, ON K1J 7P6
Win Tai Market is an Asian supermarket that mostly offers Chinese, Japanese and Korean foods and drinks. They have an excellent selection that invites you to explore Japanese chocolates, Korean sauces and Chinese seafood for example. Prices are reasonable and customer service is friendly. Even though Win Tai Market isn't exactly located close to downtown, it's certainly worth a detour because this might be the best Asian supermarket in the entire region. This supermarket is a ten-minute walk away from Cyrville light rail station.
22 Pretoria Ave, Ottawa, ON K1S 1W7
Seoul Mart is a Korean supermarket that offers a vide variety of drinks and foods. The meat they have is of a particularly outstanding quality. Prices are reasonable. Customer service is polite. The only element that could be improved is the addition of more home-made dishes such as appetizers and salads.
Photo de BeaverTails Byward Market
BeaverTails Byward Market
69 George St, Ottawa, ON K1N 1K1
You haven't explored Ottawa if you haven't tried a beaver tail. There are numerous different options and my favourite is the Bananarama. Customer service is friendly and quick. Prices are reasonable. The only thing that is missing is a nice spot to sit down and enjoy this pastry.
Photo de Ottawa Sign, ByWard Market
Ottawa Sign, ByWard Market
6 York St, Ottawa, ON K1N 6Z6
This gigantic Ottawa Sign close to Byward Market has become one of the most popular landmarks in downtown Ottawa over the past three years. The colours of this sign change quite frequently. It's a wonderful spot for taking pictures and close to numerus bus and light rail stations.
Photo de LCBO
275 Rideau St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5Y3
This Liquor Control Board of Ontario offers an excellent selection of spirits and microbrewery products. Prices are reasonable. Customer service is excellent. The generous opening hours are very convenient as well. The location is close to downtown and several bus and light rail stations.
Photo de Supercentre Walmart de Hull Est
Supercentre Walmart de Hull Est
425 Boulevard Saint-Joseph #1, Gatineau, Quebec J8Y 3Z9 -  
Je suis récemment allé au magasin tout en respectant les consignes sanitaires comme suivre les flèches indiquées par terre et garder une distanciation de deux mètres des autres clients aux caisses. Un autre client a alors tenté de me provoquer et de m'insulter à plusieurs reprises pour me forcer à m'approcher davantage des clients devant moi pour réduire la longueur de la file d'attente. J'ai ignoré ce client et continué à respecter les règles sanitaires. Le client s'est alors plaint à un employé du magasin. Celui-ci m'a demandé d'avancer au lieu de mettre l'autre client irresponsable et impoli à sa place. Vu que je suis conséquent et responsable dans la vie, j'ai décidé de ne plus aller à ce magasin. J'irai désormais aux magasins à Ottawa, même si cela signifie un détour pour moi.
Photo de Billings Bridge Shopping Centre
Billings Bridge Shopping Centre
2277 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, ON K1H 7X6 -  
(Traduit par Google) Le centre commercial Billings Bridge offre une bonne variété de magasins. L'environnement est propre et confortable. Le personnel est sympathique et serviable. L'accès aux transports en commun est pratique et rapide. La structure du bâtiment est cependant un peu compliquée en raison de sa faible largeur et de sa grande longueur. (Avis d'origine) Billings Bridge Shopping Centre offers a good variety of stores. The environment is clean and comfortable. Staff is friendly and helpful. Access to public transit is convenient and quick. The structure of the building is however a little bit complicated due to its narrow width and extensive length.
Photo de 5e Baron
5e Baron
55 Rue Principale, Gatineau, QC J9H 3L4 -  
Le 5e Baron est une toute nouvelle microbrasserie située à l'ancien emplacement de l'Autre Oeil. Le bâtiment a été renové et restructuré et offre désormais un environnement décontracté et spacieux. Il y a également plusieurs endroits différents pour s'asseoir dehors dont une petite terrasse à l'entrée du bâtiment, une plus grande terrasse qui donne sur la rue et un petit jardin bien décoré. La sélection des bières est très bonne et il y a généralement neuf à dix sortes en fût. Il est également possible d'acheter quatre ou cinq sortes pour emporter. Le service est courtois. Les prix sont raisonnables.
Photo de L'Aubergiste Resto Bistro
L'Aubergiste Resto Bistro
58 Rue Principale, Gatineau, QC J9H 3L6 -  
L'Aubergiste offre une petite sélection de plats assez variés dans un environnement élégant mais comfortable. La sélection de boissons est bien choisie et très diversifiée. Les prix sont très raisonnables. Le service est attentionné et courtois. Il s'agit certainement d'un des meilleurs restaurants d'Aylmer.
Burger King
Hwy 17, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0
This Burger King restaurant in Deep River offers great food and drinks for reasonable prices. Staff is friendly. The location is overall clean but the restrooms could use some more maintenance. The nearby parking lot is rather small.
Parc provincial Samuel de Champlain
6905 Hwy 17 E, Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0
Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park is situated about fifteen minutes west of Mattawa. There are a few beautiful hiking trails to find. However, some of the trails are either closed or poorly maintained at the moment.
Sand Bay Camp
Sand Bay Rd, McKerrow, ON P0P 1M0
There is no camp or hotel at this specific place. This is simply a rest stop that offers a nice view of the nearby river with a highway bridge and a railroad bridge across it. There is a short hiking trail to a small lookout where you can relax. You can also find some public restrooms here.
Ontario 17 535, ON-11, Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0
Nipigon Esso is one of the worst gas stations I have come across while traveling through Western Ontario. The whole location looks rundown. Some of the pumps are closed or not working. Staff mixed up some of the items I ordered for breakfast. On the positive side, staff was friendly and prices were reasonable.
498 Causley St, Blind River, ON P0R 1B0
Blind River Esso is a gas station combined with a small convenience store and a small Tim Hortons counter that usually isn't too crowded. Staff is friendly and prices are reasonable.
225 Causley St, Blind River, ON P0R 1B0
This Subway restaurant located in Blind River convinces with great foods and drinks for reasonable prices, excellent customer service and the opportunity to dine in despite the pandemic which isn't possible in many other franchise restaurants.
225 Causley St, Blind River, ON P0R 1B0
Kwik-Way is a gigantic convenience store where you can find almost everything you need from tools over food to clothes for reasonable prices.
Lucky Garden
25 Hawkins St, Blind River, ON P0R 1B0
Lucky Garden offers to take out generous portions of Chinese-Canadian food and soft drinks for generous prices during the pandemic. Staff was very friendly and helpful. It only took ten minutes for my order to be ready and everything tasted very well.
Aubrey Falls Provincial Park
Algoma, ON
Aubrey Falls Provincial Park is certainly worth a detour. A trail leads from the small parking lot to the falls which takes about fifteen minutes to reach. A bridge crosses the river and enables you to explore both sides of the falls. The generating station takes away from the natural beauty but the landscapes are nevertheless quite impressive. The public restrooms near the parking lot are difficult to spot as they are at the very entrance.
190 Cherry St, Chapleau, ON P0M 1K0
Potholes Provincial Park is located about halfway between Wawa and Chapleau. A short trail leads to the potholes and it's possible to discover its immediate surroundings. There are different information panels describing the formation of these holes. It takes about a half hour to visit everything.
Tourist Information Chapleau Museum
Chapleau, ON
Chapleau's Tourist Information Centre is surrounded by a nice little park with numerous plaques, panels and monuments portraying the town's history and culture.
Mine Driller Memorial
Wawa, ON P0S 1K0
Mine Driller Memorial offers some interesting information about Wawa's culture, history and location. There are some stairs leading down to Wawa Lake and there is another trail along the street leading to a small park with picnic tables and public restrooms.
179 Mission Rd, Wawa, ON P0S 1K0
This Subway restaurant located in downtown Wawa offers great meals and drinks for reasonable prices. Staffs works quickly and efficiently but could be more helpful at times. It's not possible to dine in during the coronavirus pandemic and there are no tables outside either. I decided to have my meal in a park with picnic tables right next to Wawa Lake instead.
Winnie the Pooh Memorial
White River, ON P0M 3G0
Winnie the Pooh Memorial is situated in a charming little park in downtown White River. The actual story of Winnie the Pooh doesn't have much to do with the cartoon character. An information panel provides some interesting background information.
White Lake Provincial Park
Trans-Canada Hwy, Mobert, ON P0M 2J0
White Lake Provincial Park has a few beautiful and long hiking trails around different lakes. They are remote but overall well-maintained and of medium difficulty. It was great to observe a beaver in one of the lakes.
ON-17, Marathon, ON P0T 2E0
Travelodge Esso in Marathon doesn't only offer different types of fuel for reasonable prices but also a good selection of drinks and snacks. Internet connections are somewhat unstable.
Pebble beach
39 Howe St, Marathon, ON P0T 2E0
Pebble Beach in Marathon offers an amazing view of Lake Superior. There is a big parking lot with public restrooms, garbage cans and hiking trails. Please note that the rocky beach itself isn't a good choice for hiking or swimming activities.
parc provincial Neys
1004 ON-17, Terrace Bay, ON P0T 2W0
Neys Provincial Park is situated in the southern part of Lake Superior. It's an incredibly diversified park with long beaches, numerous campgrounds and two hiking trails through sandy forests in the northern area. The history of the area is also interesting as there was once a camp for prisoners of war. Staff is friendly and helpful. The beverage dispenser in the park didn't work when I went there, so make sure to bring your own drinks and snacks while visiting.
Scenic Look Out / Rest Area
17 Trans-Canada Hwy, Marathon, ON P0T 2E0
This scenic lookout and rest area offers great views of Little Pic River in the north and Lake Superior in the south.
Aguasabon Falls & Gorge
2 Aguasabon Gorge Rd, Terrace Bay, ON P0T 2W0
Aguasabon Falls and Gorge are absolutely spectacular to observe and easy to reach. It only takes about five minutes to walk from the parking lot along a boardwalk to a lookout that enables you to admire the scenery.
Rainbow Falls provincial Park
Trans-Canada Hwy, Rossport, ON P0T 2R0
Rainbow Falls Provincial Park is a very diversified park. It offers a boardwalk along cascades. There is a little beach with a boat launch in another section. There is also a steep trail leading atop a hill that offers great views of the park itself and Lake Superior from afar. Every section has its own unique charms and is worth being explored.
Nipigon River Bridge
403 ON-11, Nipigon, ON
Nipigon River Bridge is one of Canada's most beautiful bridges. Its impressive architecture is best observed from nearby Nipigon Lookout.
China Garden
30 Front St, Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0
China Garden offers Chinese-Canadian food for reasonable prices. However, it certainly isn't necessary to fry spare ribs. The location is clean and comfortable. Service is friendly but can be a little bit slow at times.
Nipigon Marina
25 2nd St, Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0
Nipigon Marina is one of the most beautiful marinas in the area. There are a camping ground as well as numerous trails along Nipigon Bay and its lagoon. There are banks and picnic tables that invite to relax and enjoy the scenic views.
Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park
Greenwich Lake Rd, Pass Lake, ON P0T 2M0
Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park is a remote provincial park with an easy and well-maintained trail leading to two lookouts that offer stunning views of the impressive canyon. Information panels give you some interesting details. It takes between thirty minutes to forty-five minutes for the entire round trip.
Eagle Canyon Adventures
275 Valley Rd, Dorion, ON P0T 1K0
Eagle Canyon Adventures offers access to some trails leading to two suspension bridges across a stunning canyon. One of them is the longest foot suspension bridge in the entire country. Even though I'm afraid of heights, it was worth visiting this place and face my fears. The entire hike takes between thirty to forty-five minutes. You can also hike down the canyon which takes some more time. The entrance fee is about twenty dollars. There are clean public restrooms, a big parking lot and a souvenir shop at the entrance.
Parc provincial Sleeping Giant
R R 1, Pass Lake, ON P0T 2M0
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park is one of Ontario's most beautiful provincial parks with numerous trails, lookouts and campgrounds. You should certainly explore the iconic Sea Lion Trail as well as the stunning Thunder Bay Lookout.
Marie Louise Lake Campground
Unnamed Road, Silver Islet, ON
Marie Louise Lake Campground has a little information centre with a big parking lot, public restrooms and friendly staff that hands out maps. You can also pay your entrance fee right here. There is a small trail called Sibley Creek Trail that starts on the next road to the left. The round trip takes about thirty to forty-five minutes to complete.
Ravine Lake Trail
Thunder Bay, Unorganized, ON
Ravine Lake Trail has some steep sections that offer stunning views. It takes about thirty to forty-five minutes to hike it. It's one of the quieter trails that truly gives you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Sea Lion Trail
Kabeyun Trail, Silver Islet, ON
Sea Lion Trail along Perry Bay of Superior Lake is perhaps the most stunning trail in Sleeping Giant Provincial Park. It's not a round trip and you have to hike back the same trail. It only takes about one hour to hike it. However, the scenic views you will get are second to none. The numerous bays, beaches and the stunning rock formation are absolutely outstanding.
Thunder Bay Lookout
Thunder Bay, Unorganized, ON
The road to Thunder Bay Lookout is bumpy and filled with potholes. However, the stunning views are certainly worth the long detour. The lookout itself is a challenge for anyone who is scared of heights but it's one worth taking.
Parc provincial Sandbar Lake
ON-599, Ignace, ON P0T 1T0
Sandbar Lake provincial Park is about twenty minutes away from Ignace and seventy-five minutes from Sioux Lookout. There are a few nice trails through dense forest and along several lakes east of the park. The park itself convinces with a big beach with a little trail and a beautiful little bridge. The beach area is nice but the water of Sandbar Lake is so shallow that it's almost impossible to swim here.
Chamber of Commerce Tourist Information Center
11 First Ave S, Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1A5
Sioux Lookout's Tourist Information Centre is located next to a beautiful park with a few monuments and picnic tables. A trail with a little bridge leads south along Minnitaki Lake. Downtown Sioux Lookout is about five minutes away from here.
Sioux Lookout
ON P8T 1J9
Sioux Lookout train station is a beautiful building. The parking lot offers lots of space. Downtown restaurants and shops are only minutes away.
Sioux Lookout Access Centre
70 Wellington St, Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1E1
There are a few beautiful monuments such as trains around Sioux Lookout Access Centre that are worth a detour and stop. It's a nice picnic area as well in the summer.
Boat Launch
W Point Cove Rd, Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1K8
This boat launch is situated about ten minutes from downtown Sioux Lookout. The road gets a little bit bumpy here and there. The area is beautiful and calm but could use some maintenance regarding trash. A picnic table would be a welcome addition here.
Forest Bar & Grill
11 May St, Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1C7
Forest Bar & Grill is situated only a few steps away from Minnitaki Lake. You have a great view of the area from the beautiful patio. The food here tastes great. The selection of drinks is excellent with craft beer from Kenora's Lake of the Woods brewery. Staff is friendly and helpful. This is easily one of the very best restaurants in the entire area. If you ever visit Sioux Lookout, this is the greatest restaurant to go to.
Umfreville Park
Sioux Lookout, ON
Umfreville Park is a nice little stop along the highway. There are some restrooms and picnic tables here. The views of Minnitaki Lake are great.
Parc provincial Aaron
Kenora, Unorganized, ON
Aaron Provincial Park is situated about twenty minutes east of Dryden. There are a few beautiful trails that take about a half hour to hike. There is a nice little beach but the water of Thunder Lake is rather shallow as it's almost impossible to actually swim in the designated area. Staff is friendly and helpful and the location is overall clean.
379 Government St, Dryden, ON P8N 2P4
This Husky and Esso location in Dryden convinces with helpful staff and great customer service. There is also a little restaurant inside. Restrooms could benefit from some maintenance however.
Max the Moose
284 Government St, Dryden, ON P8N 2P3
Max the Moose is a gigantic moose statue situated next to a small park where you can have a picnic. It's not as great as Moose Jaws' Mac the Moose but worth a detour nevertheless.
Mink bay wetland trail
1823 Trans-Canada Hwy, Kenora, ON P0V 3G0
Mink Bay Wetland Trail leads northeast and offers some scenic views of the area. There are numerous trails that intersect. It takes about half an hour to get to a residential area in northern Keewatin. The way back to the parking lot on the main road is a lot less spectacular however. Overall, it's a nice hike that takes about one hour but there are more interesting trails in the area.
Keewatin Rock-Holes
Kenora, ON
Keewarin Rock Holes are the region's best hidden secret. It's a little bit lost on the side of a small road in a residential area. There is a short boardwalk leading to the holes. Informative panels give some additional details. It takes about five minutes to visit this place but it's certainly worth a detour.
Lake of the Woods Discovery Centre
931 Lakeview Dr, Kenora, ON P9N 3P8
Lake of the Woods Discovery Centre is a rather small museum. There is a tourist information centre as well. Staff is friendly and helpful. A little trail leads to a small marina that offers great views of Lake of the Woods.
621 Lakeview Dr, Kenora, ON P9N 3P7
This Subway restaurant located in Kenora convinces with helpful staff that respects current health measures during the coronavirus pandemic. The food is great and reasonably priced as usual. It's possible to eat on a little patio that offers a great view of Change of Latitude Marina, Norman Bay as well as Treasure Island and Scott Island on Lake of the Woods. The only negative element are the numerous cardboard boxes on the patio and the nearby smelly trash dumpsters.
Husky the Muskie
21 Sylvan St, Kenora, ON P9N 1S4
Husky the Muskie is a gigantic statue of a fish that has become Kenora's landmark. There is a beautiful park with plenty of flowers and banks situated around the statue. You can relax on a lookout platform that offers a great view of Lake of the Woods and a beautiful water fountain. You can find a parking spot at McLeod Park on the other side of the road. A trail safely leads to the statue in about five minutes.
McLeod Park
Trans-Canada Hwy, Kenora, ON P9N 1S4
McLeod Park is a small park next to Kenora Generating Station of Lake of the Woods. There are a couple of monuments here that give you some background information about the area. Parking spots are free and it takes about fifteen minutes to walk downtown from here. The park itself is rather small and only takes about five minutes to discover. There is a trail that leads safely to the Husky the Muskie statue on the other side of the road.
Whitecap Pavilion
Bernier Dr, Kenora, ON P9N 1S4
Whitecap Pavilion is situated right next to Kenora Bay of Lake of the Woods. It's only minutes away from downtown Kenora with its numerous restaurants and shops. There is a nice trail along the waterline here. The only issue are the rather expensive parking spots. The best solution is to find a parking spot in the northwest and walk downtown to enjoy it to the fullest.
Boston Pizza
223 Main St S, Kenora, ON P9N 1T3
Kenora's Boston Pizza convinces with an excellent downtown location and friendly staff. Due to the pandemic, some food items such as chicken wings are rather limited. It's the same for other items such as beers on taps. That isn't the case for other locations in the province I have recently been to. Despite those minor issues, this is still one of the best restaurants in town.
Rushing River Provincial Park
Unnamed Road, Kenora, Unorganized, ON
Rushing River Provincial Park is based around a series of scenic cascades. There are a few short trails with numerous banks and picnic areas. There is a little beach as well. Camping amenities are clean and large. Staff is friendly and helpful. Even though there are constructions right at the entrance of the park, they aren't taking anything away from your enjoyment of this amazing provincial park.
Nestor Falls Falls
1229 ON-71, Pinewood, ON P0W 1K0
Nestor Falls Falls are worth a little stop to take a few pictures, have a picnic and use the restrooms.
Logging Tug Hallet
814 Front St, Fort Frances, ON P9A 1A3
Logging Tug Hallet is an remnant of the past. Information panels give more information about this area and its history. Access to the Logging Tug Hallet is currently prohibited. The old tug could also use some maintenance.
Sorting Gap Marina
101 Front St, Fort Frances, ON P9A 1A3
Sorting Gap Marina in Fort Frances is a wonderful place to stop in order to hike a little bit and relax. The surrounding landscapes include a gigantic lookout tower to the east and a tug to the west. There are numerous banks to sit down and observe Rainy River as well as the town of International Falls in Minnesota.
The Lookout Tower
1011 Front St, Fort Frances, ON P9A 1C1
The Lookout Tower in Fort Frances looks truly impressive. It was however closed when I passed by. Access should be free and unrestricted at all times.
The Great Bear
RR#2 RMB 2012, ON-11, Fort Frances, ON P9A 3M3
The Great Bear is a gigantic gas station and convenience store where you can also get beautiful souvenirs. Staff is friendly and helpful. Prices are acceptable. The bear statues outside look adorable.
Little Falls Scenic Lookout
1 Little Falls Rd, Atikokan, ON
Little Falls Scenic Lookout is certainly worth a detour. It takes about twenty minutes to walk around this beautiful area. There are also picnic tables if you prefer to stay for a while. However, the location is rather difficult to find and the road leading to it is filled with nasty potholes.
Parc provincial Quetico
ON-11, Atikokan, ON P0T 1C0
Quetico Provincial Park is filled with beautiful lakes and stunning forests. There are a few stunning rest stops along the way as well. If you visit western Ontario in the summer, it's great to drive through this gorgeous park.
Atikokan Travel Information Centre
Atikokan, ON P0T 1C0
Atikokan Travel Information Centre is a good place to stop to get some information about places to visit in the summer. Staff is friendly and helpful. There is a little hiking trail leading eastwards that starts here as well.
Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park
4853 Highway 11/17, Kakabeka Falls, ON P0T 1W0
Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park is a stunning location that is easily accessible. Kakabeka Falls are often called the western Niagara Falls for a reason. The natural landscapes are absolutely stunning. It's one of the major attractions in the Thunder Bay area. It takes about forty-five minutes to one hour to visit the beautiful park.
The Keg Steakhouse + Bar - Thunder Bay
735 Hewitson St, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6B5
The Keg Steakhouse + Bar in Thunder Bay is easily the best restaurant in town. The quality of the food is among the best you can get. Be aware that prices are quite steep but certainly justified. Customer service is excellent as well. The only negative point is the very cold air conditioning and I mention this as someone who adores Canadian winters.
Centre d'information Touristique de l'Ontario
7671 Hwy 61, Neebing, ON P7L 0A2
Opening hours of the Ontario Travel Information Centre - Pigeon River are currently quite limited due to the coronavirus. However, this location is still worth a detour since there are a few beautiful hiking trails. It takes about fifteen minutes north from here to get to a stunning lookout on the shore of Lake Superior. It takes about forty-five minutes south from here to visit the High Falls on Pigeon River.
High Falls on the Pigeon River
Pigeon River, ON P0T 2V0
High Falls on the Pigeon River are accessible both from Minnesota and Ontario. The falls are basically the border between the United States of America and Canada. The landscapes are gorgeous, the trails are well-maintained and the lookouts are impressive.
Parc provincial Pigeon River
High Falls Trail, South Gillies, ON P0T 2V0
Pigeon River Provincial Park is a beautiful park right at the border with the United States of America. The northern trails lead to Lake Superior while the southern trails lead to the High Falls on Pigeon River. The overall difficulty of the well-maintained trails is average.
parc historique de Fort William
1350 King Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7K 1L7
Fort William Historical Park is one of the major attractions in the Thunder Bay area. The stunning locations are well-maintained and the guided tours are very informative. They take about two to two and a half hours.
Kinsmen Park
Trowbridge Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P0T
Kinsmen Park is a spot south of Trowbridge Falls in northern Thunder Bay. It's a great place to park and start your biking or hiking trip. There is a small playground here as well. The bridge across the river is very beautiful. It's sad that there are no maintained trails on the north side of the river leading back to Centennial Park.
Sevignys Creek Falls
Thunder Bay, ON
Sevignys Creek Falls are a beautiful spot at Centennial Park in northern Thunder Bay. It's a great spot for taking pictures, relaxing and hiking.
Soldier's Hole
19 Thunder Bay Expy, Thunder Bay, ON
Soldier's Hole is a place where you can dive into the water and swim without too many risks. You can also simply hike along the river or sit down and relax. It takes roughly twenty to thirty minutes from the parking lot at Centennial Park to get here.
Centennial Park
751 Centennial Park Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 7K9
Centennial Park is a gigantic park in northern Thunder Bay. There are a few exhibits, playgrounds and even off-leash areas for dogs. Some of the paths could have better indications and the adventurous trails on the round trip could use some maintenance.
The Bluffs
690 Arundel St, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 8C4
The Bluffs offer great views of northern Thunder Bay. It's a great hiking spot but an even better place for climbing. The only issue is that the different paths often intersect and make it at times difficult to figure out where to go.
Boulevard Lake
400 Lyon Blvd W, Thunder Bay, ON
I don't understand the numerous positive comments about this place. Perhaps the location has only degraded recently. When I visited the lake in the summer, there was no lake. There wasn't even a river. There were a couple of sad rivulets. Everything looked muddy and dirty. People had disposed of their garbage here as well. There were even tires in the basin. I would even go as far and say that this could be a dangerous place for kids to play around. This place needs some serious improvement.
Waterfront Plaza
Unnamed Road, ON
Waterfront Plaza connects to Marina Park in northern Thunder Bay. It's situated close to restaurants, shops and the tourist information centre. You can observe boats and landscapes in this rather crowded place.
Prince Arthur's Landing, Wilson Street Headland.
Thunder Bay, ON
Prince Arthur's Landing, Wilson Street Headland is connected to Marina Park and situated on a small peninsula. Since it's far away from downtown restaurants and shops, it's usually a quiet place. There are numerous little monuments to discover. Take your time to sit on a bank or even on a trunk to observe the surrounding landscapes. There is a portable public toilet at the entrance.
Bight Restaurant & Bar
2201 Sleeping Giant Pkwy Unit 100, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 0E7
Bight Restaurant & Bar is beautifully situated in Marina Park in northern Thunder Bay. You can get a nice selection of drinks here. The local craft beer selection on tap is a particular strength. Food is slightly overpriced however. Staff is friendly and helpful. The patio is small but charming. The dining room is clean and comfortable.
Marina Park
Unnamed Road, ON
Marina Park is a big park situated in northern Thunder Bay. You can find numerous monuments here. The views of the surrounding landscapes are absolutely gorgeous. There are enough parking spots as well. The area is so big that this place rarely feels crowded at all.
Kaministiquia River Heritage Park
May St S, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6T7
Kaministiquia River Heritage Park is one of the few beautiful spots in the southern part of Thunder Bay that looks almost abandoned nowadays. You can find monuments, a railway and even a tug here. There are numerous banks that invite to sit down and admire the surrounding landscapes.
Intercity Shopping Centre
1000 Fort William Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6B9
Intercity Shopping Centre is the best shopping centre in Thunder Bay. It's perfectly situated in the central part of the big city. You can find everything here from video games over hats to books. The location is well-maintained. If compared to other shopping centres with numerous closed stores, this one here is busy and vibrant and doing well.
Hope and Memory Garden
958 Balmoral St, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5V3
Hope and Memory Garden is a small but very colourful place dedicated to victims and survivors of cancer. Situated in a rather industrial area, this place is by far the most beautiful thing to visit in central Thunder Bay. The numerous flowers look absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations to those who maintain the garden so well.
Chapples Park
Thunder Bay, ON
Chapples Park is one of the bigger parks in Thunder Bay and an ideal place for a stroll. The area is well-maintained. However, there isn't anything special to see. It would be interesting to add some art to spice things up.
International Friendship Gardens
102 Legion Track Dr, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5K4
The International Friendship Gardens are certainly the most beautiful and creative park in Thunder Bay. There are different monuments and buildings dedicated to foreign cultures related to the history of Thunder Bay. You can find a Dutch windmill here for example. It takes about an hour to visit everything and take pictures. If you ever visit Thunder Bay, you should definitely come here.
Vickers Park
1700 Arthur St E, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 2R6
Vickers Park is a small but beautiful little park in the southern part of Thunder Bay. It takes about ten minutes to discover it. The flowers look beautiful here. There are enough banks to sit down and relax. There is even a small playground for children.
Moose And Goose Sports Bar And Grill
698 Arthur St W, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5R8
Moose and Goose Sports Bar and Grill offers a nice selection of foods and drinks. Customer service is helpful and polite. There is a patio but you can also eat inside. Space inside is rather restricted these days during the pandemic. The only negative thing to mention is that some of the customers don't respect social distancing and walk around the bar to talk to strangers. They have been warned by the staff but they should have been kicked out in my opinion.
Terry Fox National Historic Person Plaque
Terry Fox Scenic Lookout
Terry Fox National Historic Person Plaque is a wonderful platform surrounded by a park and a small tourist information centre honouring one of Canada's most important heroes of the twentieth century.
Alexander Dam and Falls Overlook
Thunder Bay, Unorganized, ON
Alexander Dam and Falls Overlook is a nice hidden treasure about thirty minutes north of Nipigon. The road to get there is in surprisingly good shape. There is a tiny parking lot for about five vehicles. A trail leads to a small wooden platform within five minutes. The views are magnificent. There are some information panels that tell you more about the area and the dam. There are two more dams in the north but there are no platforms and it's impossible to get a nice view of them.
World's Largest Snowman
ON-11, Beardmore, ON
The World's Largest Snowman is a gigantic statue in downtown Beardmore. The little park around it is also nice but could be expanded and refined. It's certainly worth a stop and was a pleasant surprise in the summer.