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by Sebastian Kluth

OSS 117: Le Caire, nid d'espions (2006) - Superficial and unfunny boredom - 2/10 (16/12/10)

Jean Dujardin is the master of disaster in this stupid badass comedy flick



A friend of mine told me that this movie was worth a watch and that himself as well as his whole family had adored this funny movie. As I am fan of spy or police parodies in the key of "Mad Mission", "The naked gun" or "Austin Powers", I was looking forward to watch this movie with him.

But this movie is maybe the worst comedy movie I have ever seen because it didn't make me laugh one single time. The main character is an annoying, superficial and stupid racist, sexist and anti-cultural snob that has to investigate on a boring random case along side with boring random characters. I know that the directors exactly wanted to create such a superficial and arrogant character but as I didn't get connected to him, I didn't get connected to the whole movie. The jokes are so childish that it made me despair. You open the lights and some chickens make some noise. You hit a muezzin because he wakes you up in the morning. You hit a partner because he forgets a stupid password. There were so many countless and boring jokes that the story line becomes absolutely secondary and random stuff and the pseudo-twist in the ending is also quite predictable.

I really lost one and half hour of my precious life on this unfunny and annoying piece of garbage. I give one point for the beautiful landscapes and the fact that I was still hoping that there would be a turning point or a really funny scene in this movie which made me watch this until the very end. Well, I was wrong, but at least, I made it through the whole movie. But I wouldn't recommend to any one to live the same fate as I did. Just ignore the influenced and not very objective reviews by some French fans of the main actor (who did a decent job in the cult movie "Brice de Nice"). Give yourself a little gift and watch the "Mad Mission" series or if you want something French, go for "Welcome to the Sticks". Even my girlfriend who normally laughs about anything and adores comedy movies found this one annoying and boring.


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