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by Sebastian Kluth

Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol (1987) - Still pretty much entertaining but the quality goes slightly down - 6/10 (16/03/11)

Police Academy 4 (1987)


This movie shows us the first signs of decline of the series. The jokes are getting more and more childish and one-dimensional and there are many things and scenes we have already seen in the first three movies. There are no new interesting characters that have been added to the series and especially the young Sharon Stone does a quite disappointing job and even the presence of David Spade and the cameo appearance of the young Tony Hawk don't help in here and are just interesting side notes.

But surprisingly the movie still works as we are happy to meet the old and well known characters again and even if most of the scenes and jokes are predictable, they are still funny and have their moments. When Mahoney and Jones capture two killers with some arrogant citizens on patrol, I really laughed out loud and felt entertained. When Proctor and Harris get fooled over and over again, especially in the toilet scene or the microphone scene, the whole thing is funny as usual even though it is nothing innovating or surprising. While the ending of the third movie and the chasing scenes with the boats was rather dumb, the ending of the fourth part with the air planes is really entertaining and quite spectacular.

On the other side, there are many scenes that are somewhat overlong, ridiculous and boring for example the first minutes of the movie or the ninja fighting scene on a boat in the end. The entertaining parts are though still in the majority.

Anyone who liked the first three movies should also watch this one as the quality only got a little bit lower and as important characters such as Mahoney and Zed are still on board for a very last time and funny as usual. I would suggest to rent this movie and have some fun and finish the series on a higher note. Only the hardcore fans should maybe go further than part four. I would give between five and six points to the movie and ultimately rate it up for this site as the average vote of this mostly enjoyable flick is still way too severe.


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