by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Hello everybody! I have some news for you.
All the reviews I have written to date for the Internet Movie Data Base from April 2010 up to November 2011 are now online on my blog. Why should you check these reviews out? Let me explain you and give you two very good main reasons.
1.) I reviewed different kinds of movies from the most objective point of view. You can find reviews for recent blockbusters such as "Super 8" but also classics such as "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly". You can also find a lot of foreign movies I reviewed coming from France ("Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis", "Mesrine", "Impasse du désir"), Germany ("Der Wixxer", "Die Tür", "Die Welle"), Canada / Québec ("Bon cop, bad cop", "Incendies", "Le sens de l'humour"), Japan ("Marebito", "Gozu", "Uzumaki"), Korea ("Oldeuboi", "Akmareul boatda", "Jigureul jikyeora!") and many other countries. You can find many interesting gems within my reviews from experimental short movies from Poland up to science-fiction flicks from Switzerland and horror movies from Thailand. Make up your mind and check it out. I'm sure all of you might discover something interesting!
2.) I looked up for the movie posters for each movie I reviewed. Sometimes, they were hard to find and were not even available on the Internet Movie Data Base. When I had the choice between several posters, I chose the most original, appropriated or exotic one. I was also able to find videos and trailers for almost all of the movies. Sometimes, I had to look for them on Asian or Russian sites and translate the title of the movie and the names of the actors to find what I was looking for. If there was no official trailer, I chose at least a scene from the movie that somebody put online or I found the soundtrack of the movie. In any case, I put a lot of work into this and I hope you appreciate it. You should almost always have something audiovisual that helps you to get a better idea of each movie.
I will continue writing reviews and put them on this site in the future. You can also check out the lists I created on IMDB which I have already posted here several months ago.
I hope you like my reviews and you will continue reading them.
Thanks for your attention,
Sincerely yours,
Sebastian Kluth
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