by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
The big names of Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and the highly memorable and convincing John Malkovich unite in this quite diversified movie that has a strong humorous and human touch but soon turns out to be also a tension loaded conspiracy thriller with good special effects and action scenes. This mixture strangely fits very well together and gives this movie a more unique touch as it is neither a simple conspiracy action thriller nor a dumb parody. The main characters have all something crazy and unique about them and I especially adored John Malkovich in this flick that easily beats the concurrence.
The story is rapidly told. Bruce Willis plays an ex-agent for the CIA that has become old and dreams of a life in tranquillity with a beautiful woman by his side that he seems to have met at the telephone. But as life is life, his past is still haunting him and for an unknown reason the organization he worked for is chasing him and his old partners now and he has to live on the run to save his future love of his life and find out the reasons beyond this conspiracy as he reactivates his old partners in crime for a new mission.
Even though the story is in the end quite predictable and not very original at all and even though the main actors have all done a lot more interesting movies in the past, this flick is highly entertaining from the beginning to the end and worth to be watched once even if I would not consider a purchase of the movie.
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