by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
This last part of the series is a good ending even though this flick is not as strong as the third part that surprised with a great acting and many original ideas. I must also admit that some of the movies that are parodied in here are not amongst my favourite ones as it was rather the case in the third part as I didn't like at all "War of the worlds" and "The village" that I found somewhat boring and too ambitious so that I couldn't even laugh about seeing them parodied and accorded further attention. In here, the ideas are a little bit less unique but the jokes are still over the top, especially as Leslie Nielsen plays once again the role of a very dumb and funny president of the United States of America and he alone is worth watching this flick as he adds once again something mature and unique to the series. Especially the jokes about Brokeback Mountain, Million Dollar Baby and Saw are still hilarious.
Even though those series were finally rather childish with a very bad first part, an acceptable and entertaining second and fourth part and a really good third part, I would like to see a true fifth part in the future as there have been many movies in the past years that should be parodied by this sympathetic crew.
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