by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Spinning Man is a quite unconventional psychological and philosophical thriller which has its positive and negative sides. The story revolves around a young cheerleader who has gone missing. Witnesses have reported seeing a car next to her work place just before she disappeared. The car is believed to belong to a popular professor. When police routinely wants to search his car, he reacts defensively which makes him suspicious. Soon enough, work colleagues, superiors, police officers and even his wife, children and ultimately himself start believing that the professor might somehow be involved in the disappearance.
On the positive side, this movie has a psychological touch that will make more intellectual audiences think. Is truth a fact based upon proof or rather a personal interpretation of events believed to be fully accurate? Is memory something reliable or something which can easily be corrupted? Is the perception of others going to determine who you really are or is it rather based upon your own actions, convictions and thoughts? These are the kinds of questions the movie asks and the beautiful thing about it is that two different viewers might come to two completely different conclusions.
On the negative side, the movie is certainly slow-paced and repetitive at times. There are no particularly intense scenes or memorable moments. The film kicks off slowly, plods along and ends vaguely as well. The mood is slightly sinister but not enough to make it really gripping. There isn't any tension, humour or action at all. It's a movie that makes you think and that might actually work better in form of the novel it is based upon. It made me think of the South Korean movie Burning but that one had more detail and precision to it. If you like this film, make sure to check the other movie out as well.
In the end, I would recommend this movie to people who are looking for an experimental psychological thriller. It's not an entertaining film to watch with the whole family or a flick to switch your brain off to and get entertained by but the kind of movie to sit down to, watch attentively and think about for a while to come to your own conclusion. It's a challenging movie and it's great to see that such a movie doesn't take its viewers for clueless customers but the film is nevertheless hard to sit through for the most cooperative cinephile.
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