by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Ladies and gentlemen!
Once again, quite a few outstanding songs have been released throughout the month of May. This month's playlist focuses mainly on heavy and power metal but also includes a few surprises such as a pop song and a gothic doom metal epic. Click on the following link to discover my latest playlist:
1. KK's Priest - Hellfire Thunderbolt
2. Powerwolf - Beast of Gévaudan
3. Brainstorm featuring Peavy Wagner - Escape the Silence
4. Helloween - Fear of the Fallen
5. Pharaoh - I Can Hear Them
6. Yngwie Malmsteen - Wolves at the Door
7. The Night Flight Orchestra - White Jeans
8. Silver Talon - Kill All Kings
9. Insomnium - The Reticent
10. Lost in Grey featuring Emmanuelle Zoldan, Camille André, Andi Kravljaca & Nils Courbaron - Souffrir
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