by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
I seriously don't really understand the high amount of positive critics concerning this movie. I bought this flick because I heard that the makers of the highly entertaining zombie parody "Dead Snow" were included in this project. This film though doesn't come close to it concerning the story, the characters and even the special effects.
First of all, the characters have almost no development and you don't feel attached to them at all. You don't care if they live or die and the whole movie leaves you emotionally cold.
Second, the shaky hand camera filming techniques that are justified by a so-called documentary style as in "The Blair Witch Project" don't only happen to be used too much in modern cinema. They are also just a very cheap way to put less money and also less effort into this movie.
Third, the CGI animated special effects are really cheap and not impressive at all. If this movie is supposed to have a minimum of suspense, then the bad shapes of the trolls just crush this intention. On the other side, the effects are also not ridiculous or original enough to make you laugh at least. They are just boringly unprofessional and feel worked out in quite a hurry.
This low budget disappointment is crowned by a stupid ending as if the production team was running out of ideas or out of money or maybe out of both of it. This bad conclusion definitely isn't worth your patience to sit through this mediocre effort. This movie is definitely lacking of any highlights whatsoever.
The only reasons why I still gave a few points to this are first of all the breathtaking Norwegian landscapes that make you want to go there and discover this beautiful country. Second, there are after all a couple of good jokes that mostly come from the troll hunter who happens to be the only character that stands out a tiny little bit even if he is already filled with too many stereotypes. The third and last small positive point is the connection to Norwegian culture and mythology in this movie featuring a couple of explanations in regard to the world of trolls.
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