by Sebastian Kluth
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Fifteenth episode: There's some fear in letting go / The Return, Part XV
Content: Cooper's doppelgänger arrives at the convenience store to ask Jeffries about the assassination attempt and someone called Judy. Jeffries tells him Cooper has already met Judy and gives him numbers. Outside, Richard attacks the doppelgänger, whom he recognized as an FBI agent his mother Audrey knew, but is subdued. In Las Vegas, Chantal assassinates Duncan Todd and Roger. Cooper reacts to hearing Gordon's name on TV, and sticks a fork into an electrical socket. Inspired by Dr. Jacoby's show, Nadine tells Ed he is free to pursue Norma. Norma lets Walter buy out the RR franchise, then accepts Ed's marriage proposal. Gersten attempts to console an armed, suicidal Steven in the woods; hiding from a passerby, she hears a gunshot. The Log Lady calls Hawk and gives him some final advice before dying. Audrey and Charlie continue to argue. At the Roadhouse, James is attacked by Renee's jealous husband, Chuck, whom Freddie hospitalizes with his glove; Freddie and James are arrested. A young woman crawls across the Roadhouse floor and screams.
Analysis: The main question is obviously who Judy is. My theory would be that she could be Naido, the mysterious Asian woman Special Agent Cooper encountered before becoming Douglas Jones. Another hint for this theory is that Naido mysteriously appeared in Twin Peaks and that the Fireman communicated Andy that this woman is going to be very important. Maybe Naido could be the doppelganger of Laura Palmer or at least another person sent to Earth by the Fireman to prevent evil. The fact that Douglas Jones got an electric shock after hearing Gordon Cole's name on television let many people to believe that this might have awoken Special Agent Dale Cooper and I think this theory is realistic. Concerning the arguments involving Audrey and Charlie, I was thinking that Audrey might be in a psychiatric hospital and that Charlie could be her therapist. She seems to be unable to leave her house because of the traumatizing things Evil Cooper seems to have done to her. Maybe Richard Horne tries to meet Evil Cooper in order to force him to meet his mother top help her free herself from the traumatizing events of yore. Another element I was thinking about is that it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that Freddie and James get arrested after their bar brawl. Freddie is now close to Naido in jail and might be able to protect her with his magic glove if Evil Cooper decides to attack her.
Description: This episode mixes uplifting and sinister moments in a balanced way. On the positive side, we see how Nadine decides to move on in her life, how Norma doesn't get corrupted by greed and money and how Big Ed is finally able to live with the love of his life. On the negative side, we see a cold-blooded assassination, a potential suicide attempt in the woods and the moving departure of the Log Lady. Despite a few weaker scenes towards the end of the episode, this is one of the most balanced episodes of the new seasons and continues to develop an intriguing plot towards a stunning finale.
Favorite scene: Most people would probably mention the saddening departure of the Log Lady or Big Ed's marriage proposal to Norma. The scene that intrigued me most and that I hope will be developed further in the next episode is however the first direct meeting between Richard Horne and Evil Cooper. This scene was emotional, sinister and tense and I'm curious what kind of relationship they are going to have.
Rating: 8,5/10
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