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by Sebastian Kluth

Twin Peaks, third season, tenth episode: Laura is the one

Twin Peaks 2017

Tenth episode: Laura is the one / The Return, Part IX

Content: Richard Horne confronts Miriam, who tells him she has written to Sheriff Truman about the hit-and-run. He kills her, turns on the gas and lights a candle in her trailer, then has Deputy Chad intercept the letter. The Mitchums see a news story about Ike's arrest, and recognize Cooper as "Mr. Jackpots". After noticing Cooper's new physique, Janey-E has sex with him. Nadine Hurley watches Dr. Jacoby's latest broadcast from her drapery store. Richard attacks his grandmother Sylvia in her home and robs her. She calls Ben and demands money from him. Duncan Todd orders Anthony Sinclair to frame Dougie for the denial of an arson insurance claim that lost the Mitchums $30 million. Gordon has a vision of Laura. Albert informs him that the FBI has intercepted a text message from Diane informing someone of Hastings' arrest. Tammy shows them a photo that places Cooper's doppelgänger at the location of the New York murders. Hawk receives another call from the Log Lady, who tells him "Laura is the one.".

Analysis: This episode manages to relate different characters and events from Buckhorn, Las Vegas, New York City and Twin Peaks and slowly prepares for this season's final showdown. Some questions are answered but others emerge. It seems obvious to me that Dale Cooper's evil doppelgänger has manipulated, still manipulates and will continue to manipulate people across the country to eliminate Douglas Jones or the real Dale Cooper. It also seems obvious that the villain Richard Horne must be Audrey Horne's son. This isn't precisely stated but he calls Silvia Horne his grandmother and must therefor be Johnny or Audrey's child and since Johnny is severely mentally disabled and he doesn't react to him when he sees him, it seems more probable that he is Audrey's son. Since his behavior is so mean, I think it's probable that Dale Cooper's evil doppelgänger could be his father and that he may have raped Audrey Horne when she was at the hospital after the explosion of the bank witnessed at the end of the second season. Concerning Diane Evans, she seems to be quite manipulative. It's hard to believe that her fear regarding Evil Cooper's doppelgänger was only faked but maybe he has information to pressure her and make her collaborate with him because of something that has happened in the past. Maybe he had made Diane Evans break the law in the past and now uses that undiscovered crime to increase her dependancy upon him.

Description: After a transitional ninth episode that had too many lengths, this tenth episode quickens up the pace. This episode starts with one of the third season's most brutal scenes and develops Richard Horne and Chad Broxford as intense main villains in Twin Peaks. Meanwhile, the Mitchum Brothers as well as Duncan Todd and his associates are developed as manipulative villains in Las Vegas. A few more light-hearted scenes such as Albert Rosenfield's date with Constance Talbot as well as the hilarious sex scene between Douglas Jones and Janey-E Jones make this Episode even more diversified, fluid and gripping. This episode also includes two minor twists when the FBI realizes Diane Evans seems to collaborate with Dale Cooper's evil doppelgänger and that this same doppelgänger seems to be connected to the brutal penthouse murders in New York City. Overall, there are a lot of things going on in just forty-six minutes. This episode is only fifty-three minutes long and the last six minutes are dedicated to a new band performance at the Roadhouse and the credits.

Favorite scene: There were many great scenes but my favorite one was Richard Horne's conflict with a helpless Silvia Horne in front of a desperate Johnny Horne. This scene was intense and represented a new negative peak for this gripping family who even uses and abuses his own family members. 

Rating: 9/10

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