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by Sebastian Kluth

Perfect package for old and new fans - A review of Elvenking's "The Night of Nights - Live"

Perfect package for old and new fans - A review of Elvenking's "The Night of Nights - Live"

After a career of nearly two decades, Italian power folk veterans Elvenking finally organized and recorded a special concert with numerous guest musicians and singers earlier this year. The final product features two hours of music and is both a perfect...

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Season's greetings

Dear readers, I simply want to wish you an enjoyable holiday season, a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Stay curious, healthy and positive. I hope all your dreams come alive. Impossible is nothing. I'm looking forward to hear from you soon and to...

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Honoring Ludwig van Beethoven's 245th birthday and classical music

Dear readers of my blog! In order to honor Ludwig van Beethoven's 245th birthday, I would like to present you some of my favourite pieces of classical music and opera of the past three centuries, including works by Beethoven, Ifukube, Mahler, Tchaikovsky...

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - A review of Sunn O)))'s ''Kannon''

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - A review of Sunn O)))'s ''Kannon''

Drone is a kind of music that is very hard to digest. Most artists use it for short atmospheric instrumentals and combine this genre with sinister ambient sounds, gloomy doom metal or abrasive sludge metal. For transitional efforts, these monophonic,...

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The end is near for Canada's greatest rock band of all times: Rush

The end is near for Canada's greatest rock band of all times: Rush

Dear readers of my blog, The stunning forty-seven-year long career of Canada's greatest and most famous rock band Rush seems to come to an end. The last ''R40'' tour that was announced as last longer tour of the band had already come to an end last summer....

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In Extremo - Loreley

In Extremo - Loreley

Dear readers, This review honours my favourite German band In Extremo that mixes medieval instruments such as bagpipes, dulcimers, harps, hurdy-gurdies, lutes, shawms and many more with poetic lyrics in German, Latin, Hebrew, Swedish, Icelandic, French...

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Zwanzig Jahre In Extremo

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser! Meine deutsche Lieblingsgruppierung In Extremo hat in diesem Jahr ihr zwanzigjahriges Bestehen gefeiert. Zu diesem Anlass veranstaltete die Band unter Anderem ihr eigenes Festival uber ein verlangertes Wochenende auf der Freilichtbuhne...

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