by Sebastian Kluth
Ladies and gentlemen! I have discovered some truly outstanding video games this year and I'm sure there will be many others to see the digital light of day next year. Most potentially intriguing releases don't have a specific release date yet but I wanted...
Lire la suiteLadies and gentlemen! I have discovered plenty of new movies in 2019 and it certainly won't be any different in 2020. I would like to introduce you to several films I'm already looking forward to. Note that I have only listed flicks with a specific title...
Lire la suiteLadies and gentlemen! I have discovered plenty of new music in 2019 and it certainly won't be any different in 2020. I would like to introduce you to several records I'm already looking forward to. Note that I have only listed albums with a specific title...
Lire la suiteSehr verehrte Damen und Herren: Hier kommt eine Literaturempfehlung der etwas anderen Art! SchleFaZ steht für Schlechteste Filme aller Zeiten und ist eine Sendung auf Tele 5, in der die deutschen Komiker Oliver Kalkofe und Peter Rütten eben solche Filme...
Lire la suiteTwo years ago, Chasing the Dragon, starring Hong Kong stars Andy Lau and Donnie Yen, was a gritty crime movie of epic proportions. This sequel, entitled Chasing the Dragon II: Wild Wild Bunch, features none of these famous actors, is about half an hour...
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