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by Sebastian Kluth

بحر الأحلام - Molodost (2012) (5/10)

Genre: Ambient / Folk / Black Metal
Label: Self-production
Playing time: 11:06
Band homepage: -



  1. بحر الأحلام
  2. Épilogue D'une Existence De Cryssthal (MORTIFERA Cover)


Molodost - بحر الأحلام

After the extremely bad debut release “Shades at Salvation Borders”, the one man Ambient Black Metal project MOLODOST by Lebanese artist Raed Abu Saleh is back with a new release which can roughly be translated to “Sea Of Dreams”. This time, the music sounds a lot more coherent and even progressive at some points and not as amateurish and chaotic as the first release. Even the production and sound quality seem to have slightly improved even though some major flaws remained.

The title track and main song on here kicks off and ends with soft Ambient sounds. You can hear the wild sea and these natural sounds are underplayed by melodic but vivid piano melodies and a few drum beats that sound way more natural and dynamical than on the debut release. This track is rather calm and introspective and includes many Folk moments where the artist gives us a musical description of his fatherland Lebanon and its nature. The Black Metal elements in here are only minimal in form of some dark narrative passages in Arabian. These vocals or whatever one might call it are once again very unprofessional and noisy. Instead of adding some atmosphere, the poetic lyrics don’t fit at all with the minimalist music that varies from melodic passages to haunting and discordant parts. When the song remains entirely acoustic, it actually works best even though the track is a little bit too stretched in the end and could have been better with more thought out transitions and a healthier length around five minutes. But the project did a big step forward and eventually proves that it can build up dark atmospheres and mix poetic passages with Folk driven samples.

This short release also includes a MORTIFERA cover that is less spectacular but still better than anything on the first release. The main song happens to have a few truly intriguing passages. If the vocals had been better and if MOLODOST had worked on less spontaneous transitions, this release would have been rather good. In the end, this release is only of an average quality and extremely short but after the previous disaster, this demo could be seen as a creative departure towards better material in the year 2013.  


(Online February 17, 2013)

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