by Sebastian Kluth
I must admit that I have seen the bad cut version of this movie. As soon as a fight begins and the enemies face each other, there is a cut and in the next seen, a dead man lies on the ground and the main actor continues its strange journey. I don't know...
Lire la suiteWhen I first watched this movie, there were so many different genre elements that I wasn't sure what this movie would be like. It had some emotional drama bits and pieces, some humorous slapstick passages and focuses on the clash between Korean and Japanese...
Lire la suiteThis movie is a very entertaining mixture of "Die Hard", "Cliffhanger", "The Fugitive" and "The great silence" with a little touch of Asian culture, a very emotional background and a couple of smart little twists in the ending. Even though this movie...
Lire la suiteLet me introduce you to this movie with a little warning. Don't expect it being a pure vengeance flick. You shouldn't also be misled by the fact that this movie comes from Hongkong and expect a high paced martial arts movie. This also isn't a movie about...
Lire la suiteHonestly said, this movie is a rather mediocre and even quite boring thriller with the usual scenario. There is not much tension or action in the movie and there are many lengths. Many people talk about twists and surprises but anyone that has already...
Lire la suiteI enjoyed watching the two part television series about the Colditz Castle even though I have known better escape movies such as "Papillon" or "The Shawshank Redemption" and even though the melodramatic love and treachery stories were rather predictable...
Lire la suiteI must admit that I have first seen the sequel of this movie because my girlfriend wanted to watch it in the cinema. Even though the whole thing was quite expensive with fifteen bucks for a movie of one and a half hour with a couple of mediocre special...
Lire la suiteFirst of all, one should expect from such a low budget television production that this flick can't be as good as a cinema production and there are indeed horrible special effects, a couple of stupid goofs (especially the balloon riding scenes) and some...
Lire la suiteI bought this movie at a low price because I thought that the plot idea was intriguing and because Val Kilmer was starring in this flick. In the end, many great ideas and a lot of potential wasn't well used. The title seems to underline the importance...
Lire la suiteThis movie is one of the most frightening movies I have ever seen. Before I start my review, let me suggest you to watch this flick in the cinemas or at least with a modern home cinema equipment to be capable to appreciate all the noisy sounds, creepy...
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