by Sebastian Kluth
In the beginning of its career, Ghost received massive criticism for its apparently lackluster live performances which may have been due to the fact that the band opened for household names of the heavy metal scene that obviously had better chemistry...
Lire la suiteMeine Damen und Herren! Hier sind ein paar Eindrucke von meinem zweiten Adventswochenende im Jahr 2017 in Ottawa und Belleville. Bahnhof in Ottawa. Aussicht aus dem Zug zwischen Ottawa und Toronto. Blick auf Smiths Falls. So hat ein moderner Bahnhof auszusehen:...
Lire la suiteLadies and gentlemen! About one week ago, I pulbished my one thousandth review on The Metal Archives. In order to celebrate this milestone, I decided to present my very first (October 6th, 2010) as well as my one thousandth review (December 9th, 2017)...
Lire la suiteDiscours et présentation du montant ramassé pour une bonne cause Illumination de notre arbre de Noël devant le collège Prestation de notre chorale
Lire la suiteRest in peace, Warrel Dane! When I started getting into metal music twelve years ago, I remember purchasing the German Rock Hard magazine. Nevermore's The Godless Endeavor had not only won the soundcheck of the month but some journalists even already...
Lire la suiteEvery year again, citizens of the Western world get bombarded with Christmas music right after Halloween. We are exposed to it on the televison, on the radio and in shopping malls to just give a few examples. Instead of increasing the excitement for Christmas,...
Lire la suiteEvery year again, citizens of the Western world get bombarded with Christmas music right after Halloween. We are exposed to it on the televison, on the radio and in shopping malls to just give a few examples. Instead of increasing the excitement for Christmas,...
Lire la suiteEvery year again, citizens of the Western world get bombarded with Christmas music right after Halloween. We are exposed to it on the televison, on the radio and in shopping malls to just give a few examples. Instead of increasing the excitement for Christmas,...
Lire la suiteEvery year again, citizens of the Western world get bombarded with Christmas music right after Halloween. We are exposed to it on the televison, on the radio and in shopping malls to just give a few examples. Instead of increasing the excitement for Christmas,...
Lire la suiteEvery year again, citizens of the Western world get bombarded with Christmas music right after Halloween. We are exposed to it on the televison, on the radio and in shopping malls to just give a few examples. Instead of increasing the excitement for Christmas,...
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