by Sebastian Kluth
I've finally discovered this movie because of the release of The Disaster Artist which is about the making of this film and the fact that one of my local cinemas has screened this film for one hundred months in a row. There are movies that are so bad...
Lire la suiteThis interesting split release came along with the eighty-first issue of the great but expensive Prog magazine. It includes five live tracks recorded two years ago in Bulgaria where Swedish progressive metal quintet Opeth performed with orchestra. In...
Lire la suiteWas habe ich vergangenen Mittwoch aus meinem freien Tag gemacht? Eine ganze Menge, wie die folgenden neunzehn Bilder zeigen! Weihnachtsbaum im Centre Rideau in Ottawa. Weihnachtsdekorationen im Geschaft Nordstrom Blick auf die Dekorationen in den freien...
Lire la suiteExplosion is a sinister mixture of a desperate action film, an emotional drama and a conspiracy thriller. The movie tells the story of a blast technician who has once been to prison for having developed and sold explosives. As he now tries to live a normal...
Lire la suiteThere are bands which protect their integrity and realize their full artistic potential by broadening their horizons in spite of disappointed fans, negative critics and lukewarm sales figures. These bands might have to stand their ground to face the negative...
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