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by Sebastian Kluth

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day thirteen - From North Sydney to Saint John's

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day thirteen - From North Sydney to Saint John's

Ladies and gentlemen, On the thirteenth day of my trip across Eastern Canada, I arrived in Argentia, Newfoundland and Labrador and drove all the way to the province's capital Saint John's. I immediately fell in love with the savage, isolated and colourful...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day twelve - From Port Hasting to North Sydney

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day twelve - From Port Hasting to North Sydney

Ladies and gentlemen! On the twelft day of my trip through Eastern Canada, I discovered Cape Breton Island as I drove from Port Hastings to North Sydney where I took the ferry to Argentia on Newfoundland. I managed to get assigned to a cabin on the ship...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day eleven - From Cornwall to Port Hastings

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day eleven - From Cornwall to Port Hastings

Ladies and gentlemen! On the eleventh day of my trip across Eastern Canada, I visited Prince Edward Island and its capital Charlottetown. I started my journey in Cornwall, a small town west of Charlottetown, went to Prince Edward Island's east south-coast...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day ten - From Alma to Cornwall

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day ten - From Alma to Cornwall

Ladies and gentlemen! On the tenth day of my trip across Eastern Canada, I drove all the way from Alma, New Brunswick to Cornwall, Prince Edward Island. Highlights: I got up early in the morning and continued visiting Fundy National Park which I had only...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day nine - From Saint John to Alma

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day nine - From Saint John to Alma

Ladies and gentlemen! On my ninth day, I drove from Saint John to Fredericton, then visited Fundy National Park and ended up sleeping in a beautiful village called Alma. Highlights: Fundy National Park was beautiful and diversified. One could easily stay...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day eight - From Yarmouth to Saint John

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day eight - From Yarmouth to Saint John

Ladies and gentlemen! On the eighth day of my voyage, I took the first of many ferries. This one took me from Digby in Nova Scotia to Saint John in New Brunswick. Highlights: Digby is a stunningly beautiful little town with many creative monuments and...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day seven - From Lunenburg to Yarmouth

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day seven - From Lunenburg to Yarmouth

Ladies and gentlemen! On the seventh day, I continued visiting the southern east coast of Nova Scotia, driving from Lunenburg to Yarmouth. Highlights: Kejimkujik National Park Seaside was one of the most beautiful spots on my entire trip. One could observe...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day six - From Halifax to Lunenburg

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day six - From Halifax to Lunenburg

Ladies and gentlemen! On the sixth day of my trip to Eastern Canada, I finally rented a car and left Halifax. I visited the southern east coast of Nova Scotia as I drove from Halifax to Lunenburg. The weather was great and my Mitsubishi Lancer was very...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day five - Halifax: Halifax Citadel, Dartmouth, Point Pleasant Park

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day five - Halifax: Halifax Citadel, Dartmouth, Point Pleasant Park

Ladies and gentlemen! The fifth day of my trip to Eastern Canada was the last complete day I spent in Halifax. I visited the Halifax Citadel which took four hours without ever getting boring, the city of Dartmouth just north of Halifax and Point Pleasant...

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2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day four - Halifax: Maritime Museum, Art Gallery, Alexander Keith's Brewery

2018 Eastern Canada trip: Day four - Halifax: Maritime Museum, Art Gallery, Alexander Keith's Brewery

Ladies and gentlemen! On the fourth day of my trip to Eastern Canada, I continued visiting the beautiful city of Halifax. I visited the wonderful Maritime Museum, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and Alexander Keith's Brewery. Highlights: Visiting Alexander...

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