by Sebastian Kluth
Be warned that if you watch this movie, you won't get a proper conclusion. The film doesn't have a true climax and ends on several cliffhangers. A sequel has already been announced as well as a spin-off web series. If you want to watch a movie with a...
Lire la suiteForensic Files: a fascinating true crime series This summer, while on vacation in Atlantic Canada, I discovered the television channel HLN and the true crime series Forensic Files that aired on it. The popular series with late narrator Peter Thomas originally...
Lire la suiteDerrick - Ein Stuck deutscher Kulturgeschichte! Als ich als Junge und Jugendlicher erstmals in Kontakt mit der erfolgreichen deutschen Kriminalreihe Derrick kam, da meine Mutter diese wie viele andere Deutsche freitagsabends regelmassig guckte, konnte...
Lire la suiteI had almost given up on the charismatic French-Canadian rock singer Éric Lapointe. His last record Jour de nuit, released five years earlier, was boring and predictable, both lyrically and musically. The wild child who still is everybody's darling focused...
Lire la suiteWhen I listened to Heart of the Hurricane for the first time, I wondered whether I had made a mistake and was listening to the solid predecessor Lost in Forever again. This statement actually tells us a lot about this record. Beyond the Black has found...
Lire la suiteFrench-Canadian hardcore thrash metal band Blasting All Rotten Fuckers rose from its ashes six years ago and released a stunningly diversified, energizing and entertaining comeback record with Brûle Consume Torture four years earlier. Released by the...
Lire la suiteBig Brother is a highly entertaining movie that mixes social drama with some martial arts action elements. The movie tells the story of a veteran with a troubled past who comes back to his former Hong Kong high school to work there as a social science...
Lire la suiteThe Burning Cold marks a vast improvement over the boring predecessor Grey Heavens as Finnish melodic death metal sextet Omnium Gatherum offers some of its most inspired songwriting in many years. Instead of simply delivering fast death metal with melodic...
Lire la suiteThere is no question that the original Papillon movie released almost forty-five years ago and starring star actors Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman is an amazing historical period drama and survival adventure movie. Based upon true events, it tells the...
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