by Sebastian Kluth
Par kluseba
Le samedi 6 février, j’ai pu assister à mon premier spectacle unique de « Voivod », un groupe de métal de la région saguenéenne qui existe depuis presque trente ans et qui a non seulement eu du succès dans la province, mais surtout aussi sur le marché...
Lire la suitePar kluseba
This album is Voivod's progressive metal masterpiece and maybe their most diversified and technical album. Every fan of this band that I know considers this album as a brilliant masterpiece and one of the top three album of the Quebeckers and so do I....
Lire la suitePar kluseba
They are not from this world any more! Voivod has transcended the waves of space and time and floats somewhere high above an ordinary human state of mind. I may warn you, because this album has nothing to do with the band's early thrash metal albums or...
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