• A Fresh Dose of Epic Blackened Folk Metal - A Review of Cân Baard's Devoured by the Oak

    Cân Baard - Devoured by the Oak (2021)

    Cân Bardd is a Swiss duo supported by two live musicians on stage that plays epic blackened folk metal in the key of Summoning, Saor and Caladan Brood. For those uninformed, this means that the band values atmosphere over diversity and fleshes out immersive, intense and rather slow-paced tunes about fantasy and nature that are on average seven minutes long and occasionally break the ten-minute mark.

    This type of music needs a little time to unfold and break the ice. Instrumental opener ''Echoes of the Moss'' could come from the soundtrack of a fantasy video game and evokes many images on your mind but is musically unspectacular and might drag on for a little bit too long.

    Once the band kicks off its longer tunes with unchained black metal vocals however, it reaches another level. ''Une couronne de branches'' has the atmosphere of the opening instrumental combined with the intensity of the menacing vocals and takes ten and a half minutes to develop a mysterious atmosphere that is absolutely timeless. 

    ''Crépuscule'' is even more intense in that regard with more dynamic changes and liberating black metal passages that complement the introspective folk sounds and ambient elements spendidly. 

    For those who are looking for a more melodic and harmonious approach, they should certainly appreciate the excellent ''Autumn Shore'' that should equally please regular folk metal fans and those who like atmospheric black metal. The folk instrumentation is domineering, playful and rich here while the vocals sound like a howling storm thrashing through an isolated forest. Melodic choirs enhance the immersive atmopshere even better towards the majestic conclusion of this particular masterpiece.

    The closing ''Blomsterkransen'' comes as a welcome surprise as it turns out to be a smooth lullaby focusing on acoustic guitar and violin sounds crowned by enchanting female vocals performed in Swedish. This stunning closer is certainly the record's hidden gem and makes you want to experience the entire record all over again.

    Cân Bardd's Devoured by the Oak is one of the greatest folk metal records of the year and unfolds its magic further with every single spin. Some people might argue that the band's style isn't exactly new but similar bands haven't released any new material in many years. This is why it's great to get a fresh new dose of blackened folk metal with inspired concepts and atmospheric depth. The band already performs on the same level as those who inspired it and might deserve even more attention and recognition in the future.

    Final Rating: 85%

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