• All over the place - A review of Cain's Dinasty's Eva

    Cain's Dinasty - Eva (2018)

    Cain's Dinasty's Eva is an equally confusing and intriguing release. The Spanish quintet plays power metal with a tight contemporary production that is at times rather heavy but also explores epic song structures and symphonic soundscapes. 

    However, the band uses numerous elements from other genres such as gripping death metal vocals and even atmospheric black metal shrieks in multiple songs. Five guest vocalists participate on this output. As everyone knows, too many cooks spoil the broth.

    On this record, you have to expect the unexpected as you never really know what comes around the corner with the next song, the next solo, the next genre shift. This is certainly entertaining as there aren't too many bands out there that are this open-minded. On the other side, this amorphous approach also seems pointless at times. 

    One wonders what this band actually wants to be. Is it a power metal band? Is it a symphonic metal band? Is it a melodic extreme metal band? It's maybe a little bit of all these genres. The lyrics about vampirism written in poor English are also quite particular and remind of gothic metal bands or Japanese rock bands that seem to love such topics.

    Who could be the target audience for such a release? There are three possibilities. First of all, this album is for all those who are claiming that metal music isn't surprising anymore and want to have their mind blown. Secondly, this record could apply to those who love any type of metal genre and want to listen to a melting pot of almost all possible styles in a short period of time. Thirdly, this release could be used instead of a streaming playlist at a metal party to satisfy the guests' different tastes. If you want to discover metal's diverse genres in less than an hour, you might also give this a shot. If you suffer from schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder, this album might increase your mental issues.

    In the end, Cain's Dinasty's Eva is a curious footnote in the metal genre and probably one of the most unusual releases of the year. It's worth being checked out but its volatile nature only makes it a funny anecdote rather than an album that is actually convincing. The term all over the place has rarely been more appropriate than in this case.

    Final rating: 60%

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