• Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

    Océanic de Rimouski contre Olympiques de Gatineau, le 8 février 2020

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  • Semaine des enseignants à Gatineau

    Semaine des enseignants à Gatineau

    Semaine des enseignants à Gatineau

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  • Late night wisdom in Ottawa

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  • Thy Catafalque - Naiv (2020)

    There are few artists and bands who still manage to surprise you with an absolutely unique sound when you have been listening to thousands of metal bands for more than a decade and a half. Thy Catafalque is one of these stunning exceptions. The Hungarian one-man project around Tamás Kátai might have some minor extreme metal notes but is overall focused on very atmospheric and immersive folkloristic and symphonic elements.

    In its visionary style, it recalls what a band like Therion dared to do when it fusioned metal and classical music two and a half decades ago. Thy Catafalque however rather sounds as if Jean-Michel Jarre, Karl Jenkins and Mike Oldfield had formed a band and discovered metal.

    Despite this unusual approach, the record has great flow thanks to its tactful fusions, wonderful melodies and smooth transitions. Even the ambitious epic "Vetö" that clocks in at more than eight minutes never sounds tedious, pretentious or progressive as all its changes seem to come perfectly naturally.

    Album closer "Szélvész" still manages to surprise and comes around as the most catchy, melodious and uplifting tune that would have been an excellent teaser or single to intrigue larger audiences than a few adventurous minds that have discovered this underground singer-songwriter classical-folk-metal gem. The fact that such an intellectual approach to music still manages to be immediately appealing underlines the outstanding singwriting skills of mastermind Tamás Kátai. Naiv doesn't do its title justice and finds the perfect balance between accessibility and intellectualism.

    More people should discover such unique soundscapes, so stop reading my review, spin this groundbreaking album and spread Thy Catafalque's name.

    Final rating: 90%

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  • Deathwhite - Grave Image (2020)

    Deathwhite is an obscure American gothic doom metal trio in the key of Katatonia, The Foreshadowing and The Old Dead Tree. The group's second output Grave Image does its spooky album cover justice. Fragile guitar harmonies meet sinister bass tones and sluggish drum and percussive patterns. Occasional minimal keyboard sounds enhance the atmospheric vibes. The tender, sorrowful and melodious vocals blend in perfectly. The dreamy and depressive soundscapes take the listener on an inspiring and emotive ride.

    The band adds enough diversity to keep the album intriguing through ten songs and a running time of forty-nine minutes. That doesn't mean that the band experiments or offers any memorable passages but the group regularly transitions from slow and heavy passages to energetic and fast outbursts with ease. This is best accomplished in the extraordinary album closer ''Return to Silence''.

    Immerse yourself in the atmospheric depths and emotional variations of skillfully executed doom metal with a gothic soul. Sit down alone in the dark, pour yourself a glass of your favourite type of alcohol, close your eyes and enjoy those ten bleak tunes to the fullest. Deathwhite's Grave Image isn't the type of record you should listen to three times a day but it works splendidly if you are in the right melancholic, philosophical and thoughtful mood for it.

    Final rating: 80%

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