• Battle between darkness and vivacity - A review of Finnr's Cane's A Portrait Painted by the Sun

    Finnr's Cane - A Portrait Painted by the Sun (2013)

    Finnr's Cane's second studio record A Portrait Painted by the Sun is an interesting progression for the Canadian trio. This record sounds much heavier than the predecessors thanks to colder and faster riffs and the occasional use of bleak black metal vocals. This maelstrom of darkness harmonizes well with the band's hypnotizing riffs and occasional and often minimalistic atmospheric cello and keyboard sounds. Sinister and speedy passages are interwoven with moody and plodding passages as if both styles were constantly battling yet also complementing each other perfectly.

    This more vivid approach also fits thematically since the previous output was a homage to winter while this output stands for the awakening of nature after the cold season. The harsh coldness seems to be winter that tries to fight the more diversified and dynamic song structures representing spring or autumn. These two guiding lines constantly cross each other. Metal purists will like this dynamic step forward while those who appreciated the much smoother debut record might find the trio has lost some of its unique identity. Both points of view make sense but the transition between the first and the second output isn't too abrupt and it's positive that the band hasn't repeated itself.

    The diversified epic ''Gallery of Sun and Stars'' is the highlight of the record as fast melodic black metal passages meet appeasing acoustic guitar intermezzos. The song remains captivating, dynamic and surprising despite an ambitious running time above seven minutes. ''A Promise in Bare Branches'' has a similar approach and even adds some melodic male vocals to the gloomy brew but the transitions aren't as fluid as they could have been and the calmer passages recall a little bit too much early Opeth with its seventies' folk and psychedelic rock influences.

    If you like atmospheric and mostly instrumental black metal inspired by the wonders of nature, you should give Finnr's Cane's A Portrait Painted by the Sun a chance.

    Final rating: 80%

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